What She Saw was A masterpiece

What She Saw was A masterpiece

A Story by Jasmine

About a girl who saw the outcast not as that but something else something beautiful

There was a young man who stood alone in a corner.
To this reality he was invisible,
That boy felt as if he does not matter.
His insanity was quite inedible, even possibly questionable.
This seems not to bother him as he does not care, he is content.
As he sat in his corner alone.
He ponders upon his thoughts.
Little does this boy realize, he was being watched.
As the girl watched him,
She does not see a loner.
But a master piece
A human whom was a strong soul.
With a thrush hold on this sad reality.
His ways, His composure.
For he saw what was real, not what he was told to be real.
She looked at him, she saw the real him.
A beautiful masterpiece.crush,sweet,love,young,teen,happy,outcast,art,review

© 2016 Jasmine

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A great insight of how people can see themselves as one thing, yet someone else sees something completely different. Nicely written!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Loved it Jasmine. It's always refreshing to see someone speaking of beauty within.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 26, 2016
Last Updated on May 26, 2016
Tags: crush, sweet, love, young, teen, happy, outcast, art, review



near that place over there, NC

Well I'm fairly new to writing. But I have always loved art, of every type. Basically why I am here writing, just wanting to be heard. Now about me well I am, what am I? Who am I? The question we a.. more..
