The Burning Soldiers Soul

The Burning Soldiers Soul

A Story by Jasmine

After a veteran comes how he is burden with what he felt and saw on tour. This goes into one, night when the emotions was just to much.

At night when he lay his head down and closed his eyes.
The images haunted him.
In a world he didn't seem to understand, that in returned didn't understand him and his reasons.
All the things I have seen .
He thought.
He feels as he has the devil on the run.
The life's he has watch die, he can't bring back.
All the lives he took.
Itching, burning, internal dying to crawl out of this skin.
Clenching the bible in his hand question everything in it that he once read.
"How can one look at me as a hero after all the men I have failed."
Saying to him self.
Thinking of all the ones he couldn't save.
All said and done to make the world free and a better place. Even safe.
As the images grow more vivid.
The hell on earth he once stood at.
The blood stained all around.
The crying once heard causing him to shiver.
All too hauntingly familiar.
Sounds of bullets hits the ground.
He reached for the bottle of stolianaya.
Grabbing the bullet box taking a pause to stare at the shell before loading the gun.
He gets up stumbling to the living room.
The room was almost completely dark all but the street light shining through the windows.
He takes a seat on the couch.
Placing the gun on his lap and the bottle on the table.
In his packet was a photo. He often looked when he was on tour.
It was a black and white photo of him and the one whom took his heart who seen the good in him only.
Tears begin to fall from his eyes.
He slide to the floor, gun tight in his right hand.
All the anger,regret, and pain all tearing at his soul.
Just only wanting to forget the past.
At that moment his finger about to slide on the trigger, and pull it back.  She walks through the door, stopping dead in her tracks.
She drops everything to the floor.
Slowly walking over him.
She squats in front of him taking her right hand wiping the tears from his pain filled sky blue eyes.
She only stares at him.
neither saying nothing she only looks with such understanding, yet not knowing to full everything that he has seen and felt. When she does speak she only said
"Don't regret what you have done in the passed"
Knowing easier said then done. He thought.
"That is all past burdens, all that matters now is if your heart means well. And your good intentions."
He only stares doubting what her words mean.
She then bring her hand to his face stroking it
"In the end it's your choice.
But please make the right one. For us, And for you."
His tears become sobs.
As the gun hits the floor making a click as the metal hits the linoleum.
Taking his sweaty hand that was once gripping the gun, placing it  around her neck.
As his head falls on her shoulder.
She falls to the floor all In while
Still holding him.
She gets a gut feeling.
In the dead silence.
That it's going to happen whether she likes it or not.
Weather she fight it or not.
She shakes this feeling off.
Thinking its just all in the moment.
Tears being to fall from her eyes, she starts to pull away from him to look into his eyes.
He senses what she is thinking.
He only shakes his head from left to right saying.
"No no" he reassured her
Later that night when everything seem calm and peaceful.
He get up after, she fell to asleep.
And walks to the bathroom.
A few moments later,
She was woken by the sound of a gun blast....

© 2016 Jasmine

Author's Note

I not sure how I wrote this it just came to me out of the blue. I mean no disrespect to the veterans at all by the ending. The reason I choose the ending I did was because many don't get help and do end up this way as sad as this is. So please take a moment and think of the men and woman over sea who are fighting for us...
Review are very welcome here...

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Featured Review

It was a very sad, but wonderful story. I have noticed in your writing that you tend to make mistakes. Some grammar and spelling, and occasionally the wrong word. Your writing is still good, but try and pay attention to those small details. Don't take this wrong way.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

No I didn't take it the wrong way at all... I would agree. I do now see where some of the errors are.. read more

7 Years Ago

You're very welcome :)


It was a very sad, but wonderful story. I have noticed in your writing that you tend to make mistakes. Some grammar and spelling, and occasionally the wrong word. Your writing is still good, but try and pay attention to those small details. Don't take this wrong way.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

No I didn't take it the wrong way at all... I would agree. I do now see where some of the errors are.. read more

7 Years Ago

You're very welcome :)

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1 Review
Added on June 8, 2016
Last Updated on June 8, 2016
Tags: sad, soldier, veteran, suicidal, unhappy, passed, reality, pain, suffering, depression, summer, review, creative writing, for men, for women, bad memory, respect



near that place over there, NC

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