Chapter 16: Undeniable

Chapter 16: Undeniable

A Chapter by Jen Marks

This is a very long, but productive chapter. Many things go on in this one! But you'll all like it...I promise! ♥ (Again, the picture is of Alex.)




My free hand immediately goes to my forehead. With my eyes shut tight, I begin to wonder how stupid I've been these past weeks. I begin to breathe more deeply. How did I know she would ask that? It was only a matter of time before I was confronted with that question. I just keep looking down; constantly shaking my head... What did I do? Where did I go wrong?! Man...I'm taking way too long to reply.


"Where did you hear that from?" I ask normally, trying to steer clear of the confrontation.

"Pretty much from every single girl at school," she says.

I laugh uneasily, running a hand through my hair, "Well, you know tabloids these days...always wanting whatever they can salvage from celebrities' lives. It's like they think they can make people believe anything they hear."

"Well, it sure is working," she says, with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I can almost hear her roll her eyes.

"...I don't know what to tell you," I say after another moment's silence.

"Then just tell me the truth," she says, hopelessly. "All that matters is your side of the story."

I get up off of the bed I was sitting on, and begin pacing back and forth in front of it. How could someone so beautiful hurt so much?

"Elise, it's not how you think it is," I say.

"Then how is it?"

I release another breath, "The truth is...I did ask her out, and we are dating...but listen -"

"I figured."

"Listen, Elise," I desperately begin trying to make up for what I just said...or at least change how it sounds. "Like I said, it's not how you think it is. I guess, since we began touring together, and hanging out more, my feelings sort of spurred a little. And in that time, it turned out that she liked me back... I just so desperately needed someone or something to keep me going... But it's nothing compared to the something that you and I have."

"What do you mean, the something that we have?" She asks. "You're with her now."

"I know that...but I I want to be with I always think of you, and how our relationship would be if we were together," I spill to her; she says nothing. I continue, "Like, whenever I'm with you, it always seems like my life is falling into place, in all the best ways."

"Nicholas, why are you telling me all of this?" It sounds as if she is crying a little bit. "It's not going to change anything. She's your girlfriend now."

I don't know why she's making it sound like I'm going to be with Miley forever. If she only knew how hard it is with the press following you everywhere you go, and with managers telling you how to live your life, and which choices you should make. This really hurts. I'd give up my fame if I could have a girlfriend like her. I've put much thought into it...and my feelings cannot be denied.

"She's not my girlfriend, Elise. We're just dating. It's different," I tell her, honestly, tilting my head to strech out my cramping neck. "Magazines, and television, and gossip columns can say what they like...but none of them could ever understand how anyone truly feels inside."

"I know..." She says, almost inaudibly. "It's not like any of it matters anyways."

"Exactly," I begin to feel more relieved, and ease my grip on the phone slightly. "It never really matters what the media says. A lot of it is just bogus, anyways."

"No," she tells me. "I mean, it doesn't matter. I've got someone in my life now too."

I feel like I just got a big slap in the face. And gee; did that feel great.

"Yeah, I was talking to him for, like, ever today, and he wants to hang out tomorrow," she brightens up her voice, falsely. "I'm into that. I really like him, too."

I really hope she's just making all of this up.

"What's his name?" I ask sharply, through gritted teeth.

"It's Alex," she informs me; stabbing at my heart with the harshness of her words. "You've met him before."

"Oh, did I?" It feels like fire is flaming out of the top of my head.

"Yeah, remember? It was when we went to the movie theatres."

"Oh. Right," I remember now. Joe wrestled him out of a mob of girls just because he looked like me. I also remember that I didn't really like him that much. I decide not to comment on any of that, and just figure I should ask her the most important thing I want to know, "So are you happy?"

She seems to consider that for a moment, and then replies unconvincingly, "Yeah, I guess I am...are you?"

I think this over for a moment or two, and then reply again, "You know...if you get what you want and you're still not happy, you've spent everything and gained nothing," I try to point out the obvious for the both of us. "But, whatever... I guess I'm happy if you're happy."

"Well, have fun being happy, then," she says, calmly. "I don't want you calling me anymore...not like you have these past two months, anyways...just saying. Don't e-mail me either."

Tears start to rapidly form in my eyes, blurring my vision. One blink sets them all free.

"Don't text me," Elise continues. "Please...just go."

I am speechless. The one time where I really need to find the right words to say, I can't seem to muster anything at all. Right now, I only have my tears to keep me company.

"Elise?! This isn't fair!" I choke on my tears, half yelling; pleading to her. Am I being punished for something? I know it's obvious to her that I'm bawling my eyes out, but I can't even find the strength to care.




I've never seen or even heard Nicholas cry before... And now that I know that I'm the reason he's bawling his eyes out, I feel even worse than I did when I made up the fake story about Alex and myself. I can't stand to listen to this anymore... I'm hanging up.

"Nick, I'm hanging up," I say wearily, unable to force myself to listen to his begging and pleading any longer.

"...You didn't call me on my birthday," he interrupts my wanting to end the conversation.

"That's irrelevant. Why are you bringing that up now?"

He doesn't answer. Instead, he responds with a whole new matter:

"You know what, Ellie?" He says, calming down, and crying much less. "I wasn't going to take this Miley thing any further; I was just about to end it. But now, you're telling me that you're dating some guy who looks just like me...? It sounds as if you need some kind of replacement... Do you miss me?"

I scoff without even thinking, "You're pathetic."

"I bet you're wearing the necklace I gave you."

Damn. He's good.

"I knew it wasn't from the three of you."

"Do you remember that night in Puerto Rico when we went back to the beach house alone?"

What's he trying to pull off here? He keeps throwing different things into the conversation. He knows he has the ability to keep it going, just like he is now...and I have to's working very effectively. I

hate it when he takes advantage of his little mind tricks like this.

I give in, beginning to pace back and forth on my front stoop. I decide to continue with this subject matter, "Yes, of course I remember... Why?"

"We kissed that night," he says, openly. "It meant a lot to me... You meant a lot to me...and you still do. But that night, when I kissed you, I didn't do it just because I was bored, or because I had nothing else to do...I did it because you were the best thing that ever happened to me...but now I guess I just messed up majorly."

I open my mouth to say something, but I am cut off by the sound of silence.


WHAT?! How could he hang up on me like that?! Did I say something dumb? ...Or was it just the fact that I didn't say anything at all? ...I shouldn't have told him not to call back. Knowing him, he'll probably do as I said; he always listens, and does as he's told.


Not knowing what else to do in this moment, I stare out into the darkness of the night. My cell phone is still pressed up against my ear. I let it fall, along with the rest of my body. I collapse on my porch, crying hopelessly. There’s nowhere I can go to dry my tears of lonely depression, my heart has been broken and my dreams have been crushed into bite-size pieces.




It's said that if you wake yourself up by laughing in your sleep, it's going to be a great day. I don't believe that one bit. When I saw Alex today, I couldn't think of anything to say. He probably thinks I'm a complete idiot... I also think he might have caught me staring at him too. I can't stop looking at him...

"You're thinking about him again...aren't you?" Danny asks me in a non-questioning tone, implying Alex.

"How'd you guess?" I ask sarcastically, sort of smiling, while snapping back into the present time. We're standing in the hallway, after school has finished.

"The look on your face was so intense," he laughs quietly, immitating me. "Like, you were really deep in thought."

"Well, I was."

"Don't think about it too hard."

"But I really can't help it."

"Listen. Just look at what you have now -"

"- Which is nothing."

"He's your friend, Ellie."

I don't respond.

"He told me you're his friend. Don't ruin that friendship..." He sighs, looking at me. "You'd rather have that than anything less, wouldn't you?"

I stare blankly at the floor beside Danny, not saying a word.

"He thinks you're a nice person."

I roll my eyes and wince when he says "nice person." Instead of making my whole predicament better, he just made everything so much worse...and he doesn't even know it. That is one of the problems Danny has: he tries to help out...I know he tries...but for me, at least, I usually never end up feeling better. I can feel tears stinging at my eyes, but I resist them. I'm not going to be able to hold them in for long.

"Kay, thanks, but I'm gonna go home now," I turn to Erin and Lauren, who are standing not too far away from Danny and I. "Bye guys..."

They shout their goodbyes to me from down the hall.
"Alright then..." I sigh deeply with a what-else-can-I-really-do look on my face. "See ya, Danny."
"Later, Ellie."
Why does it have to be this way? Why does it have to be so confusing? What am I doing...about anything? I'm hopeless. A lame-a*s. Why am I even here?

I think all I can do now is just tough it out, like I've done with everything else lately, and ask him out on a date.




November has come around, so needless to say, the weather has become very cold...almost as cold as Nick's heart... Almost. So what's with the spring in my step, you ask?'s my birthday! And you know how I had that total crush on Alex? Well, I found out that he likes me back, and I'm a good way! Score. I asked him out a few days ago, and he said yes! And here we are now: at the same movie theatre as Alex's last encounter with the Jonas Brothers. We decided to see August Rush, since the both of us are really into music. He paid; he said to think of it as his birthday gift to me.


Sitting in theatre number four, Alex puts his arm around me. I can tell that he feels a little nervous, so I rest my head on his shoulder. I love it when he gets nervous around me. It's adorable! I also appreciate how he knows he doesn't have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time, and that he doesn't play hard-to-get. It's perfect that way. He takes a sip of his soda, and I look up at him, smiling. I love how every time he drinks something his lips always get wet, and he never bothers to dry them. It's really cute. He smiles back at me. He is so what I'm talking about.




"Why do people like Miley Cyrus so much? She's completely and utterly pointless...and annoying...and weird and gross and dumb, and I hate her," a fan-girl rants to me, as my brothers and I are signing autographs at our meet-and-greet table. "I'm officially against her. I am the president of the Anti-Miley Association at my school."

"Look what this magazine says," the girl's friend throws a magazine on the table in front of me. "It says: Teen queen Miley Cyrus is vowing to stay a virgin until she gets married...which is about as likely to be true as Tom Cruise's doomsday prophecy that Xenu will come to earth and kill us all. Oh, unless she gets married next week... Are you shocked?! I didn't think so."

"Look you guys, I get that you don't like Miley, but she's my friend, alright?" I tell them both. Ah, who am I kidding?

Usually on days as nice as these, I'll be standing at our meet-and-greets playing the air drums, but I'm not in the mood to even do that. (Not that it's a problem or anything, because usually it will make sense in my head what I'm playing...but to everyone else, it just looks like I'm flinging my arms and spazzing out!) Big Rob escorts the girls to the side, then brings two new girls to the table.

"Nick, I want a hug!" The first girl screams.

"Me too, Nick!" The second girl squeals.

"Then hug each other," I sigh.

"Nicholas!" Joe frowns, sounding like our father. "You can't be so mean towards your fans!"

"Sorry...I know," I shake my head, sighing again. "I've just been having a really bad day... I'll be back."

I get up out of my seat, leaving the two confused girls with Joe and Kevin. I walk around the tour bus, and then decide to rest on the back bumper for a while. We're in Texas today (we just played at the Toyota Center) and we'll be in this state for two more shows after this. It feels really at home here, to be honest, since I was born here and all. I glance around the back of this venue, then reach into my back pocket, and take out a small photograph.

I claim this picture in my heart. But as always, there's one thing thing that would make this picture (like all the others of her) gold...and that missing thing is me...

And lately it feels like her name is the only word I can say...

"Elise..." I whisper out loud.

It's her fifteenth birthday today. I would never forget that, but she probably thinks I have. She's the only one for me, and if she knew that, I don't even think it would make a difference at this point in time. Maybe not talking to Ellie for a while won't be that bad... I better get used to the idea.

Be that as it may, I'm still continuing to give Miley a chance...but I can't stop wondering: is it possible for mean girls to become nice people? I mean, most of the time, guys will think that girls are strange, and have unpredictable decisions, and are mad confusing, but will somehow always be even more drawn to them. That is not the case with Miley. With her, it's pretty much everything I just said, minus the always being more drawn to her. I just can't wait to go back to New Jersey, and see a month and a half.






"Thank You so much for this day, thank You for all our blessings in our lives. Let us pray, Father, You bless the food, to nurture us, God, and to strengthen us then," my dad prays, holding my hand, while we're sitting at the dinner table. "Continue to bless us, Father, and Jesus. Amen."

"Amen," I repeat, and then begin picking at my food.

I told Nicholas not to contact me...but now that he's following through with his promise, I feel saddened. Do you stop being friends with someone when you grow apart? I really hope not. I pretty much cried all day today because of that fear (among many of the likes)...and every hour that passed was like another hole being poked into my self-esteem bucket. Winter and the entire holiday season is supposed to bring joy and happiness...and I should be admiring the way the hardened snow shines from the sun, the way the falling snow looks at night, and the little village of mini-houses set up in fake cotton snow beside the crackling fire...but I'm not.

It's like my mind has a glitch, and is stuck on repeat of that night when Nick and I fought over the phone. I was so angry at him then, but if he were here now, I would just want him to hold me so I could cry into his chest... It's always so good to feel loved and safe. And in times like these, it's also good to know a lot about guys and their ways of thinking! After ages of talking with Evan, Danny, Joe and Kevin, I've learned a lot...because, believe it or not, guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys. Crazy, right?! And one little thing that has been stuck in my head lately is the fact that guys will usually use words like hot or cute to describe girls; they rarely use the word beautiful. And if a guy uses that word, then he likes you a whole heck of a lot... (Almost to the point where he thinks his insides might fall out...and even after slipping on them, and banging his head on the floor, he'll still be grinning like an idiot!) I'm saying this because the one thing that has been on repeat is my iPod; on the song, Hello Beautiful.

How in the world could someone write something so breathtaking...about me out of all people?! So does he really think I'm beautiful? Or was that just in the past?


"Dad, I'm not that hungry," I say, yawning. I put my fork down on my plate. "I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and lie down for a bit."

"Well, you did have a big breakfast," my dad says. "Maybe a nap will be good for you. You do look like you need some rest."

I give him a small, extremely tired smile, and make my way upstairs. Upon entering my bedroom, I walk over to my bed, and flop myself down on it. I shut my eyes tight; praying for the answers to all of my unanswered questions.

"Love is such an amazing thing, isn't it?"

My eyes open immediately, "Nick?! How did you -"

"It's the one emotion that can make you feel happy and sad, assured and confused, and lost and found all at once... It's so strange, yet so wonderful."

"That's really romantic, you know that?" I smile, examining him suggestively; taking in all of his enchanting features.

"I can be romantic," he gives me the same smile back, and moves slightly closer, then changes his expression. "But I can also be an idiot."

"Don't say that, Nicholas..."

"Why shouldn't I? I mean, could I be any stupider?"

"Could you be any funnier, nicer, smarter, and cuter?" I ask him in return, as I rest my hand on his. "That's a no."

"What are you saying?" I can tell he is somewhat taken aback by my words.

"Nicholas..." I sigh. "You are an extremely nice guy...and you're sweet...and fun. And cute... And I think it's obvious now that I have a pretty big crush on you."

He is at a loss for words, "...You...w-what...?"

"I shouldn't love you...but I need to," the words begin to spill uncontrollably out of my mouth. "I can't help it, and I can never turn away when you're around... Please...just don't drift away from me."

"I...I won't...." He stares at me dumbfoundly, then suddenly shakes his head, collecting himself, and regaining his original state of mind. "Because for me, it's always been you, Elise...always. I've tried to fight it, and I've tried to deny it, but I can't...because you're undeniable."

Without responding, I stare intriguingly into his captivating eyes, and let my gaze wander temptingly down to his lips...his inviting, desirable lips... I want so desperately to tell him I love him, but I have no idea how he would take it. He was right; love can make you feel so assured yet so confused at the same time. I look, enticingly, back into those alluring eyes. We get intensely closer.

"I want you," he whispers. "I mean -... I mean, I want to be with you."

I smirk slightly, "...I want you," I repeat.

And without saying anything more, I lean in, angling myself so our lips can interlock perfectly...and did they ever. We kiss sofly and tenderly at first; gradually increasing the amount of passion, and slightly opening our mouths, kissing each other even deeper then. That all-familiar taste is so intoxicating...

I moan, smiling to myself, and roll over in my bed. ...Wait a second...where's Nick?! Don't tell me that was just a couldn't have been...! So, I never admitted anything to Nicholas? ...And we didn't just do what I thought we did...?

"Uuugghh!" I groan, smothering my face into my pillow.




One of the reasons Leah Tom is my best friend is because we work well together, no matter what the project is. Like, if I ever need help studying for a test, baking a birthday cake, or taking over the world, she's definitely the person I will call. When the two of us team up, we are virtually unstoppable. However, another reason she's my best friend is because she's dependable and honest. Leah called me earlier, so I decide to call her back. It turns out that she's at Erin's with a bunch of people. Leah is on the phone with Danny the same time as she is with me. After minutes of confusion for me, she gives the phone to Bree. Bree tells me that a lot of people are drinking alcohol. I don't get fed up with her like usual, though, since she is being pretty helpful, and telling me exactly what's going on. Soon after, I find out that Leah isn't drinking at all (thank God), but everyone else (other than Bridget herself) is. She tells me that Danny is also coming over soon. Bree hears the disappointment in my voice while I'm talking to her, so she gives the phone to Erin.

"Hello?!" Erin's voice sounds completely lost from the other end.

"You're drinking?" I say, sternly. It is more of a statement than a question.

"What? Hello?" She giggles a little.

"You're drinking?" I repeat. It sounds more like a question this time.

"Yeah...come over!" She suggests, happily.

"No, I'm not going to."

"Okay...don't worry about me...don't worry...I'll be fine," she slurs, sarcastically.

"Yeah...alright...bye," I roll my eyes.

"Okay...bye...I love you..."

I click the END button on the phone, and heave a deep sigh. I'm really disappointed in them. I don't understand why so many teenagers in this day and age will just give in to the typical high-school influences...just like that; without any thought. I look over at Alex; pressing my lips together to form a thin, false half-smile. He just came over to my house about a half an hour ago, and he and I had the most amazing talk today. I'm so comfortable around him now. I explain to him what that whole phonecall was about, and he seems to take an interest to the party aspect of it.

"C'mon, let's just go. It might be fun. You don't have to drink if you don't want to," he puts his arm around my shoulders, trying to convince me after I have rejected his offer once already.

I sigh, and shrug, "Alright...I guess it won't be that bad..."


Boy, was I wrong.


Once Alex and I got there, we could see right away that the kitchen lines were long, and that even the washrooms had a line at times. It didn't seem fun at all...but at least there was a limit on the number of drinks you could get at once.
"Let's get this Christmas party started!" A boy I recognize from school shouts, raising his drink in the air. Everyone cheers back to him. Someone even raises the music a couple notches. I look at Alex with a nauseous expression on my face, but he continues to look around the house, nodding his head to the beat of the music.

"Hey! Ellie! You came!" Leah smiles at me, giving me a light hug. "What's up, Alex?"

"Good music," he comments. "You seen Danny anywhere?"

"Yeah," she responds. "He just arrived shortly before you guys. He's in the kitchen with Evan and Bridget."

"Bridget..." I chuckle. "I was just on the phone with her. I didn't think Erin would invite her."

"She didn't," Leah says with a sickened look on her face. "She sort of invited herself."

"Typical, I guess..." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, girls? I'm just gonna go talk to Danny for a bit, alright?" Alex asks.

"Alright, I'll see you around," I hug him, and he heads off towards the crowded kitchen.

"So did you hear?" Leah asks. "All the hints Erin dropped must have finally worked, because Evan is going out with her!"

"Well...'tis the season to jingle and mingle, right?" I laugh, as does Leah.

"Oh my God!" Bree comes out of nowhere. "Alex is so hot!"

"Uhh...should I be worried?" I raise one eyebrow.

"Wow, Ellie!" Bridget says, ignoring my comment, but admiring my outfit. "Cuteness called and they want this dress back!"

I laugh, easing up on her slightly. Everyone deserves a break now and then. But still...sometimes I wonder: has she ever looked at her personality in a full-length mirror?

I laugh again anyways, "That was pretty lame, you know?"

"But she's right," Leah smiles at me. "Your whole outfit's like...formal, meet casual...casual, meet formal."

A few moments of silence go by where the three of us continue to smile at each other, looking around the party aimlessly, until:

"Can you give me some guy tips?" Bridget asks me, suddenly.

"Why are you asking me?" I frown, but then release another chuckle.

"Well, you're dating Alex, aren't you?" She says, plainly. "And the Jonas Brothers are into why not?"

"The Jonas Brothers aren't into me!" I laugh heartily.

"Ellie, they're famous! They could be friends with anyone they like! And they chose you. So what does that say?"

"...That I should give you guy tips?" I scrunch my nose.

"Well -...that's not what I was going for...but okay!"

"Okay, well first: don't be a snob," I tell her. "Guys can be intimidated and give up easily."

"Wow, no need to be so harsh!" She backs off a little.

"Why don't we go upstairs so we can have a more one-on-one chat?" Leah asks the both of us.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

We turn and walk up the stairs towards Erin's room; occasionally dodging a person or two now and then.

Loyalty's a weird thing. Some people would consider it a sort of naive trait...they might say you should just look out for yourself because no one else is really looking out for you. A lot of times, those people have gotten burned somehow and kinda gave up on the idea. But one of the other ways loyalty is weird is that it's kind of contagious. Like, when you make a choice to stay loyal to someone and they know it, it often makes them want to repay you with some loyalty of their own. No, it's not really a rational system, but there's no doubt that it pays to have some steadfast friends in this world. And they do's just that sometimes, you've got to sort of build them from scratch. And you do that by trying to be true to them whenever the opportunity strikes. And if they do let you down, the challenge is to remember that they're just one person; not the whole human race... So basically, at this point, I think I should ease up a little on Bree.

We reach Erin's room, and after walking through her beaded doorway, we all take a seat on her bed.

"Okay," Bree says in an assured tone. "I'm ready for guy tips!"

"Alright...first -" I start off.

"But don't make it too long, 'cause I really wanna get back to the party," Leah interrupts.

"Sure, then. I'll just sum it all up, kay?"


I furrow my brow for a second, wondering how and where to start, "Well...actually, what's the main thing you're having a problem with in boy town?"

"Umm, well I really like this guy, but I don't know if he likes me or not," Bridget says. "I've sort of been trying to convince him -...or show him reasons to like me."

I sigh, "Alright, well that's your main problem, then. What do most girls do when they meet a guy that they really like, but he's just not that interested or isn't as serious? Right; they try to convince the guy to feel differently. But you will never change how a guy feels when it comes to attraction! Never, ever, ever. You can't convince a guy to feel differently about you with logic and reasoning. Think about it: if a dude doesn't feel it for you, how in the world do you expect that to change by being reasonable with him? ...But we all do it. Guys are the worst at this, by the way. They're always complimenting girls who don't like them and buying them gifts... Don't get me wrong; girls like the behavior sometimes, but it never makes the girl like the guy. She might enjoy what she gets out of it, but it doesn't change the way she feels about him... Likewise, when a guy just isn't interested, girls will try and chase, compliment, convince and do their best to change his mind with logical and rational approaches. Bad idea; it's one that will never work."

"Wow..." Bree says slowly, with wide eyes. "Thanks...that's one big tip!"

"You're welcome," I smile at her gratefulness. "There's more where that came from! But for now, I think we should get back to the party."

"Awesome," Leah smiles.


We arrive downstairs to find Alex talking with Danny on the living room sofa. Leah and Bree go to the kitchen to get something non-alcoholic to drink, leaving me to go talk with Alex. I guess Danny had the same thing in mind, since when he saw me, he left the room as well; leaving Alex alone on the couch. I walk over, and sit down beside him.

"So what do you think of the party?" I ask him, smilingly.

"Oh, it's great!" He grins back in a bit of an odd tone. This doesn't seem like the usual Alex.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask, a little worried.

"Heh...maybe," he says flirtatiously.

"Alex, that's really stupid of you," I tell him, disheartened.

"Nah, I'm just having a good time, that's all!" He grins again, moving his body a lot closer to mine.

I sigh, "Well, for the rest of the night, I think you should try to have a good time doing something else other than drinking."

"You're right," he looks at me calmly. "...So I guess I'll just have to feel how soft your lips are, and then kiss you once...but that won't be enough..."

"Whoa, Alex!" I laugh with wide eyes. "I don't think anything like that's gonna happen tonight!"

"Then I'll be begging for more," he continues like I never said anything. "But you'll be playing hard to get and only kiss me once again."

"Oh my goodness..." I roll my eyes.

"And then I'll grab your face and make out with you until morning."

"Alex!" I gasp, extremely shocked.


"No!" I can't stop smiling, and I can't help but laugh.

"I'll make you an offer you can’t refuse!" He imitates the infamous line in an Italian accent.


"You know..." He leans closer and whispers in my ear. "I'll never forget the time when you spilled your drink on yourself in the movie theatres."

"Ahh, blackmail! You suck!"

"I love you too! Kissy, kissy please!" He leans towards me to kiss me, but I turn away, and face straight ahead.

I put my arm around his shoulders, rolling my eyes. I guess I should take care of him for the rest of the night...just to make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Alex kisses my cheek about four times in a row, then pauses, and then kisses me again. I turn so I'm facing him again, and give him a weird look. Evan walks over to us and stands next to the coffee table and us.

"So I see little Alex here has sampled just a bit too much alcohol!" He says, watching him with that same weird look on his face.

I laugh, "Ya think?!"

"Is he bothering you?" Evan asks. "'Cause if he is, I’ll get him to stop."

"No, not really," I say. "He's just a little...horny?"

"Oh my goodness...!" He sounds horribly sickened, and has a nauseated look on his face. "My best friend's horny in the same room as I am."

"Okay, I didn't mean it in that way! I'll put it in different words, then..." I stall to think. "Uhh...intrigued, infatuated, in love, lustful, passionate...? I can't think of any more words; my brain hurts."

"Tell me about it!" Evan says. "Mine always does!"

"I wonder why?" I ask; my voice is dripping with sarcasm.

"Woah, wait... Did you say in love?" Evan suddenly realizes, putting much more than needed emphasis on the word love.

I can feel my face heating up, "Uh, yeah...but, um...I didn't actually mean anything by it... You know, it's just a part of feeling…lustful...?"

"Alex loves Ellie! Alex loves Ellie!" Evan starts to sing.

"ALEX loves ELLIE?!" Danny pops out of nowhere with his eyes wide, and his mouth open.

"NO! He doesn't!" I start to panic. "I was just saying to Evan how -"

"Alex loves Ellie! Alex loves Ellie!" They both start singing. It feels like my face is almost 101 degrees at this point. I think Alex fell asleep on my shoulder...

"You guys! Hey!" I yell to try to make them stop…but they don't. I sigh, "You’re so childish."

"ALEX LOVES ELLIE! ALEX LOVES ELLIE! ALEX LOVES ELLIE!" They're literally screaming at the top of their lungs at this point. You can't even hear the music anymore. People start looking.

"Oh my gosh," I roll my eyes, trying to hide my face with my hand. Alex wakes up and starts to stir. The guys bring their voices down so their singing is more of a chant.

"Alex loves Ellie, Alex loves Ellie..."

"Alex loves Ellie?" Alex asks. I quickly and hurriedly remove my arm from around his shoulders. The chanting stops...

"HE DOES?!" Evan acts so surprised by this new-found fact.

"What makes you say that, bro?" Danny asks sarcastically.

"What?" Alex asks, still half asleep. "Um...I dunno... I just heard it when I was sleeping I guess... Maybe it was a dream..."

"That's what you call your conscience, bud," Evan sits down on the opposite side of Alex and replaces my arm with his.

"Yeah...thanks..." Alex’s still pretty out of it. "You're a good friend, ya know. I love you, Evan."

Alex gives Evan a huge hug, basically smothering him...and possibly even falling asleep on him.

"Woah! Buddy!" Evan yells, and backs away from him. "I know I may seem a little touchy-feely; but that's only when I'm around girls!"

I laugh, and Evan shakes his head, laughing as well.

"Yo, Evan," Alex says, interrupting our laughing. "Can you go for a bit? I wanna talk to Ellie."

"Sure, no problem, bro," Evan nods, walking away. He catches my eye, and sends me a movement which pretty much means: if you need me, just ask.

I turn back to Alex, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"This," he says, and kisses me on the lips. His kiss is kind of agressive, yet soft and sexy at the same time. I begin kissing him back, really enjoying it, but it is only moments later that my cell phone goes off, vibrating in my back pocket, interrupting our make-out session.

I back off, refraining from kissing him, "Can you give me a moment, Alex? I just gotta take this."

He gives me a hot look, smirking, "Sure, Ellie. No problem."

I walk through the living room, past Erin and Evan kissing on a couch, reaching the front foyer. I take a step outside the front door, like I usually do whenever I get a call in a crowded house, and flip open my phone. It turns out to not be a phone call, but a text message...from Nick. It reads: "i'm sorry. i miss u."

These simple, yet so meaningful, words make my stomach drop at the sight of them. I want to run home immediately and call him, so I can spend hours listening to that heart-melting voice of his... But I know I should go back inside to Alex and Leah...just to let them know I'm leaving. I can't just ditch without saying anything... So after re-entering Erin's house, saying goodbye to Leah, Alex, Bree, and Danny, and recieving another couple of kisses from Alex, I head home. Who knew realizing one's faults could be so exhilerating?

© 2009 Jen Marks

Author's Note

Jen Marks
I really hope you like this one.
Things are finally starting to come back together.

I love comments; feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

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Added on October 4, 2009
Last Updated on October 4, 2009


Jen Marks
Jen Marks

Toronto, ON, Canada

Listen to my music here: YouTube / MySpace then one by one the stars would all go out ♥ Nicholas Jonas: You Can Call Me Crazy more..
