Soul Song

Soul Song

A Poem by Jillian Alexis

I am...


This existence awakens a passionate heart

Our time here knows no end and our soul has no boundaries

Stretching beyond this reality to divide and conquer a basic human desire to overcome doubts and fears,


I am beyond this realm.


My spirit stretches to the furthest point of our universe encompassing pure space

A Journey no longer made of fear but protected and directed by love


I am infinite.


Whether it be on this plane or the next,

outside of this shell of a body


I survive.

© 2013 Jillian Alexis

My Review

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This is a fierce, wild, wondrous glimpse of the power within... the soul that is so much more than we realize, reaching across time and space. If only we all realized what hides inside us every day, Jillian.

Posted 10 Years Ago

You are ever lasting! We can definitrly live forever through chidren and works of art.

Posted 10 Years Ago

The positiveness in the lines of this verse...within the 3 statements:

I am beyond this realm.
I am infinite.
I survive.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2013
Last Updated on September 10, 2013


Jillian Alexis
Jillian Alexis


"All the suffering of this world arises from a wrong attitude. The world is neither good or bad. It is only the relation to our ego that makes it seem the one or the other." more..


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