What Time is Good for You

What Time is Good for You

A Poem by That_Guy

As it passes us by lets take advantage of it

They say it heals all wounds and flies when you’re having fun,
Then why does it seem to drag on every time I go for a run.
I’m being told it’s running out,
So what’s this killing it all about?

Time is of the essence and cannot quit,
Now get up and  lets make the most of it.
A night out on the town,
Or just a day in the sun,
Don’t rush your choice nor pick just one.

Time only matters when I’m with you,
And never hurts more than I’m used to.
It need not be every waking moment,
But in my life you’re the main component.

Let this be the beginning and not the end,
For that wound time cannot mend.
And if it would help I’d make it stand still,
 So I’m sure Father Time would make do,
Now tell me, what time is good for you?

© 2016 That_Guy

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Time a slippery little sucka..just can't seem to hold onto it...great read...enjoyed :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is amazing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sometimes people don't realize that with the blink of an eye, life passes you by.....nice poem well written :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Love it!
It flows off the tongue so well.
The words...mmm...sugar xD
But you're a truly talented writer, I love reading your stuff:]

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Now that's a reaction I like to see. Thank you ;)
This is awesome, I enjoy the way you explored time in all of its senses that we attribute to it, the use of the cliches contradicting each other in the beginning made for a great start. The wistful tone picked up towards the middle was introduced perfectly because of it, I could feel time slipping away as I read this. Great write, and a damned strong finish. Glad I stopped by to read this man, keep up the awesome writing.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks man I really appreciate that. I've heard nothing but good things about you and you've lived u.. read more
John Stussy

11 Years Ago

Haha, thanks. I'll set up a squad of dudes to bust you outta prison if that crazy chick gets you in .. read more
It was a fast paced read but never triped reading it. Smooth write great rythem well done

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Well time is of the essence, can't afford to slow down haha. Thanks Bette ;)
Interesting... let's absolutely take advantage of it. The message carries all the way through, and drives the point at the end. Well done :) I'll be back to read more in time

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Sounds good haha. I appreciate it. Looking forward to it, Ii'll find my way to your work soon as wel.. read more
This is the way it should be....truly beautiful

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you very much. Not a bad message huh?

11 Years Ago

Not at all my friend....
Perfect words I would melt at hearing if coming from a sincere person. Poets are sincere so I take these words and hope one day I hear them. Nice write

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'm a very sincere person, if I say it it's true. Just works better for me that way ;)

.. read more

11 Years Ago

You're welcome. Could you review Her Silence Speaks if you get a chance?
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Nice work! I really enjoyed this piece. :) I love the rhyme and how it flows so naturally. I feel the emotions of the piece and I like how they shift throughout. Keep up the good work

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you Kim I appreciate it ;)

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51 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on March 9, 2012
Last Updated on June 21, 2016
Tags: time, love, essence, cliche, quote



Anza, CA

First off I'm 23 years old. I'm a lover and a fighter. I've competed in various martial arts and I consider myself a rather opposing figure. On the outside you see tattoos, muscles and scars but what .. more..


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