

A Story by jrlowe

This short is based on an experience once had.

A mother sat down on the edge of her daughter’s bed utterly fatigued from a long day of caring for the feverish child.  Quietly she watched the steady rise and fall of the three year olds chest , a rhythm that is indicative of restful slumber.  A feeling of comfort and love at the sight of the little sleeping form washed over her in giant waves deepening the exhaustion.  With vision blurring she laid down her head on a soft pillow and fell into instant oblivion.  No dreams floated behind her closed eyes, no sounds reached her ears just sweet sweet nothingness.  
After time unknown a feminine figure appeared, flowing towards the bed, a crystalline mask of calm.  As she stood there watching, waiting, tiny etches of concern shadowed around the ancient violet eyes.  Silently bending over the sleeping forms a lovely hand of ivory reached out gently touching the mother’s forehead waking her instantly.
With wide dark eyes the mother lay still watching the white lady dissipate into nothingness with a single slender finger held to her lips warning her not to disturb the child.  Fascination and wonder bound the mother in stillness, her heart pounding in her chest.  After the apparition had gone she slowly turned her head to look straight into pools of blue.
“Who was that?” came a whisper.
“I don’t know.” 
Reaching out the mother touched the flushed forehead to find it unbelievably hot.  Her temperature had spiked.

© 2010 jrlowe

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isnt that the worst when your child is ill and you feel soo helpless.. especially with fever omg.

these kinds of experiences do happen dont they.. thanks for sharing it with us.. very well done.

Antonio :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

That was amazing and just the right tone of believable supernatural.

Posted 13 Years Ago

What a lovely write. You've led the reader into belief, setting an elegant mood with intrigue. Every mother's fear is loosing a child under her watch and I'm sure everyone of them would welcome a kind apparition on their side.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 9, 2010
Last Updated on November 19, 2010
Tags: sleep, dream, child, illness, mother, angel, guardian, being, short, story, fever, safe




A wife and mother finding her voice though prose. I started writing when I was young (6 or 7 years of age), mostly fictional stories. Poetry has never been my strong suit but a few years ago it stru.. more..

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