The Will

The Will

A Story by Kameron Armitage

This was another school project that where we recieved a list of checks and we knew the amount, date, and who it was to. We hade to create a short story from it. The first paragraph is the introduction, and the rest are from each persons point of view.

The Will
It had to be the longest robbery in the history of the world. This robbery endured 28 long and grueling years. It was not a bank, not a store, not even a gas station. It was done without as much as a knife. Not only was this robbery done without a weapon, but it was technically legal; at least from the outside view. And it was all done by just a single inside man. From the moment that Mr. Lawrence Exeter’s son was born, this man had been there, planting bombs and waiting for them to go off. He helped them include this son into the will of 3 million dollars. As the son grew, this man stood buy and watched as he went through boot camp, a new car, and too much praise and money. This was painful to do, for this was HIS money. He wanted ALL of it and every dollar that Mr. Lawrence Exeter spent was a dollar less that would be in this man’s pocket. He would get it; it was only a matter of time. 
Mr. Lawrence Exeter Sr.: 
            My son was the best thing that has ever happened to me. And my money was the worst thing that ever happened to him. After my wife left us I gave him more than he could handle. I suspected that it was towards drugs and other inappropriate things, but could not prove this. He is my son and for me to think that way caused me pain. I wanted to think that he was spending it on good things, but I doubted that Lawrence was. I gave him thousands of dollars for toys as a child, a wonderful school, and a perfect car that was totaled within three days. Boot camp was painful because I was in denial and did not want to believe that my little Lawrence was doing immoral things. His poor decisions reflected directly on me. My wealth was something not needed any longer and I needed  find something to do about it…..
Mr. Lawrence Exeter Jr.:
            My father believes I am a bad child, but I don’t think so. I just live a free life not guarded by so many rules. I live. People judge me on a day to day basis. 
          “Hey, there’s a spoiled kid in a brand new Cadillac.”
          That is why I purposely crashed it into a tree. I wanted to prove that I didn’t need that. Well I didn’t think that through very well because I was injured and hospitalized. I eventually settled down and married the most amazing woman in the world. I thought that I had officially set aside my wreck less ways but that was not correct. One night I was extremely intoxicated and had an affair with a beautiful young lady. My guilt weighed me down for a long time. I had to at least tell someone so I told my good pal Toni Spagonni. He was very understanding and made me feel much better.
My wife was sent a letter not long after by a unanimous address and was notified of my actions. We were tragically divorced and my actions could not be undone. I had to rid this pain and find the person who sent that letter……
Mrs. Lawrence Exeter:
            My life has always been full of pain, but always things I could get over. But as life went on, that soon changed. I was rather young and married a gentleman named Lawrence Exeter Jr. He treated me with dignity and respect. He had the money we needed to support a family we wanted. He didn’t know this, but I was pregnant. I was so scared and excited at the same time. I was afraid of how Lawrence would react. I decided one day that I was going to tell him. He was away and I was giddy with anticipation. As I waited for him to arrive, I received a letter.....
Mr. Toni Spagonni:
            I have known the Exeter family for years and have seen the problems that they have endured. I have been there for Jr. as he struggled with drugs and adultery. I have seen his mistakes and done my best to teach him right from wrong. His father, Lawrence Sr., wasn’t always there for Jr. If he needed to leave on a business trip to Hawaii, I was Lawrence’s father. I charged them only one hundred dollars every once in a while to help them with their will. When Lawrence Jr. married, I helped include her in the will. I was informed of some actions that took place and sent a unanimous letter to Mrs. Exeter. It was the only thing to do. When they were soon after divorced, I took her right back out of that will. I helped him through his father’s tragic and unexpected death and I was the one he counted on. Lawrence and I gathered to see what his father had left him. And as little Lawrence ate his last bite of soup his heart stopped and he thudded on the floor. I dragged his lifeless body to the car and sped to the hospital. I took him in, set him down, and fled. As I drove I wrote one last check for 2 million dollars to myself. On the will, I changed:
The entire fortune, if both Jr. and Sr. are to die, goes to Mrs. Lawrence Exeter.
The entire fortune, if both Jr. and Sr. are to die, goes to long time friend Toni Spagonni.

© 2009 Kameron Armitage

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Added on March 31, 2009


Kameron Armitage
Kameron Armitage

Gilbert, AZ

I am 16 years old and I've been writing for about three months now and love every second of it. I am a guy and proud to write. I've ran into some problems, but everyone does. I hope you enjoy! more..
