

A Story by Kameron Armitage

Another school project. We got a list of facts of a person in an airport waiting for a plane. We had to STRICTLY follow those and could not mension anyone else outside of that list.



Airport Scene
I hate the airport. Being thirty-eight years old the mental toll that the airport takes is excruciating. And these 5 psycho kids really don’t help. Alexander at only three months old needs too much attention and really doesn’t allow me to think. And Beth at 3 and Rebecca Lynn only 3 years older are the trouble makers. They feed off of each other. It’s like they have a bet going to see how long it takes before I lose it. Mark is 9 and is kind of left out of the group. He prefers to stand alone and play his videogames. 
Cameron is the helper of the 5. At 12 he is the oldest and is expected to help the most. These kids are so wild right now; Nothing a little McDonalds won’t fix. As I stand in this line, helper by my side, I know the future. $25 is about to be sucked right out of me.
These kids are like my bank, only I won’t ever see the money again. And as soon as we arrive in California, these kids will continue taking my money in Disneyland. I may be relaxed now, but Disneyland will be like tornado waiting to happen. My wife Mary thought that it would be a great idea to go on a “family” vacation. In fact, this annual trip was completely her idea. I just went along with it to shut her up. 
After fourteen years of marriage, we still agree on absolutely nothing. We fight more than two boxers in a ring. I say, “I love you”, but never really mean it. My love was taken by Roxanne whom I met 5 years ago on a “business” trip to Hawaii. Ever since then, I have been taking many “business” trips. 
I try texting her every morning. I should feel bad about doing this to my wife, but I don’t. Roxanne treats me like an individual and lets me breath. Mary smothers me every second that she gets. She looks through my belongings and my phone, just waiting for me to screw up. Well since she does this, I thought I would give her a reason to. 
Roxanne knows everything about me and accepts me for who I am. Well, I guess not everything. Not the fact that I have a wife and 5 kids. But I know her, and she will accept my kids. My oldest son found out that I was doing this to his mother. Ever since he found out, we haven’t talked much. There is just always that awkward silence between us that makes me feel like I am being suffocated. I don’t want to hurt Mary, and I NEVER want to hurt my kids. I’m afraid that I already have, though. 
I plan on leaving Mary, but I haven’t figured out when or even how. She is not the girl that I want to be with, and Roxanne is. Mary will take it very rough and will use our children as pawns to get every cent she can out of me. She is a selfish woman and even though she is cruel, she doesn’t deserve to be hurt. 
Mary has actually met Roxanne. Roxanne was over “visiting” me from California and Mary walked in the house. I scrambled to come up with an idea as to why a woman and I would be alone in our house. I managed a half-assed attempt at an excuse. 
“She is a trainer for the new product.”  
Miraculously, she bought it. Mary asked later why I hadn’t told her that Roxanne was coming. I just said that it had slipped my mind. I told her that Roxanne was from Virginia. I just picked the farthest place from where we were. The subject was dropped in conversation, but she remains suspicious. This morning I was persistent in letting Roxanne know that we would be in California, just in case. She has not texted back yet, which kind of worried me, but what are the odds of seeing her in Cali? 
We got our food after what seemed like an hour of waiting and went back to our gate. On our walk back, I see my phone, laying there on the seat beside my wife. I must have left it! My wife just sent me blank stares. Had she read the many texts? I sat down and stared straight ahead. After about ten minutes, our plane was called. As we lined up, the other passengers from the previous flight exited the plane. The very last person off the plane passed me. We made eye contact. My heart came to a slow stop for a few seconds.
It was Roxanne.

© 2009 Kameron Armitage

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Added on March 31, 2009


Kameron Armitage
Kameron Armitage

Gilbert, AZ

I am 16 years old and I've been writing for about three months now and love every second of it. I am a guy and proud to write. I've ran into some problems, but everyone does. I hope you enjoy! more..
