A Lonely World

A Lonely World

A Story by karebearrloveshugs

A girl who is alone in the world.

There was once a girl that was only one in the world, which made her the god of this world. She lived on a small island. On the island was a mansion and an old castle, but she stayed in the mansion since she believed it suited her better than the old castle. Both residences were connected by a hallway bridge.
In the castle was a warehouse stored with an unlimited amount of food so she wouldn't starve though the girl often tried killing herself by eating expired food and injuries. Also, in there was a library filled with an infinite amount of books of every genre and about everything so that she could learn. 
There wasn't much to do on the island since it was so small. One could walk around it once in half a day. All the girl could see on the beach was the ocean, the sky and it's clouds, and the horizon that stretched as far as she could see in a 360 view.  

© 2012 karebearrloveshugs

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i think it could use some grammer help and it dosnt flow that well.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you for you're opinion :)
it was just a jumbled up, unfinished dream I had.
I'm s.. read more

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1 Review
Added on September 30, 2012
Last Updated on September 30, 2012
Tags: girl, world, a god, island, mansion, castle



Neverland, CA

My name is Karen. Call me Karebear though. Get to know me; it's boring and I'll become uninteresting if I tell you all about me. Good day to you all (or night if you're nocturnal). ^__^ more..
