Late Night Heptad Three

Late Night Heptad Three

A Poem by Invisible Ink

Heptad: a group or series of seven

I dream of waking; bleeding through the page
like my thoughts right before waking.
that precious time of living; in helices
the dna of time lysing in my mind.
spill the ink, before your eyes open
and you are found coloring,
perfectly, inside the lines

© 2010 Invisible Ink

Author's Note

Invisible Ink
Please Please Please leave a review. Even if it is just to tell me you didn't like it. A reason or two either way would be nice though. ;P

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Added on February 10, 2010
Last Updated on February 10, 2010


Invisible Ink
Invisible Ink

Belton, TX

I don't really like being judged by my age, so obviously I am young. I really spell either so thank god for computers. I am a black-belt but am too sick to continue training so i take comfort in my wr.. more..

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