The Stairs

The Stairs

A Poem by Kristin Lee

Marking a death, a funeral, And the birth of new life


The deafening sound of silence

reaches like delicious tendrils

through the dark, cold night.

Creeping across my skin,

stinging my nerves like angry bees;

as I wait by the edge of the stairs.


Slicing the silence like the sharpest knife,

a sound, a hum, a melancholy tune

drifting through the air.

So clearly dead, and yet so sweet,

this song, it lifts my soul!


Rising to my perch atop the stairs,

it kisses me softly on the cheek;

So cold, so sad,

as if the words had been written for me.


Night after night,

hour after hour,

that same haunting tune

is stuck in my head!


At the top of the stairs I wait all day long;

an addict, in desperate need

of my next disgustingly beautiful fix.

But deafening silence is the only sound

that reaches out to me, on this cold, dark night.


Instead, the smell of flowers

graces the darkness and her malicious plight.

I see it now, the truth

I tried so hard to disregard;

the song I loved is forever broken.


Resting for eternity under millions of stars

melancholy shards make a hard pillow,

against the bottom of the stairs.

Such a brilliant resting place

for damaged innocence.


Fragrant flowers continue to press

throughout the night,

Marking a death, a funeral

And the birth of new life.

© 2013 Kristin Lee

Author's Note

Kristin Lee
Thanks for reading. Reviews always welcome.

Photograph by Kristin Lee

My Review

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this death, funeral and rebirth all seem to be pointing at the muse...and how it uses us and spits us out...we feel the death of words we can't come up with, the poems that die before they are born, but then the rebirth because when we get to the top of the stairs..the addict needing the fix...and in the darkness we find her again.

and we feel alive...

anyway, that is where this piece took me...i love it.

one spot, did you mean "rising" at the beginning of stanza three?

now on to look at more of your work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

I sure did mean "rising." Thank you so much for the good eyes!

And yes, the death, fun.. read more


What a stunning photograph. You capture the power of the photo in this piece. I have one small suggestion. You've got three quick similes right at the beginning of the poem. You might want to change on of them. For instance, The stinging of angry bees creeping across my skin. Just a thought- the poem is fabulous.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

Thank you, photography is a hobby of mine, and I live for the Ocean. Thanks for the helpful review.
A very compelling and distinguished write. I loved the picture of the lightshore near the seashore's of peace and tranquility. The last stanza is my favorite part though. Embracing an ascension for the soul and embracing the concept of life after death. Great write. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

Thank you very much. I actually took that picture about a year ago on the Oregon coast. Flipping t.. read more
"Night after night

Hour and after

That same haunting tune is stuck in my head

At the top of the stairs I wait for the tune"
Lovely , just lovely...:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

Thanks :)
Sami Khalil

11 Years Ago

My pleasure...:)
Opening Comments
I loved this; I think it was really well written. It was really touching; a funeral is a really hard thing to go through even after losing a loved one.

It was really touching and emotional, it really touched my heart. I love the way you summed up the atmosphere.


“Raising to my perch at the top of the stairs
It kisses me softly on the check
So cold, so sad, as if it the words had been written for me" I loved this, the image was so vivid. I especially liked the line “Raising to my perch at the top of the stairs”

Grammar and Spelling
I loved the wording of this, it was written with so passion and truth. Really well done.
You did spell “Cheek” wrong though.

Closing Comments
I loved it. Love the emotion.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

Thank you, I really appreciate the breakdown of everything. Yes, spealling is not my strongest suit.. read more
s y e

11 Years Ago

The pleasure is all mine. We all make mistakes so I can't exactly talk but I want to help everyone o.. read more
It's very sad and beautiful, I especially like the end and how you sum up the atmosphere of the piece. I also, love the counterpoint of the sound of silence and the song of loss. You have a couple of small errors in this part, "Raising to my perch at the top of the stairs
It kisses me softly on the check
So cold, so sad, as if it the words had been written for me"
You've spelled "cheek" wrong, and in the last part, you don't need the word "it" in this line, it's a bit clunky. It's not that it doesn't work, it still makes sense, but calls for a brief pause in speech. Keep up the good work, love the emotion.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kristin Lee

11 Years Ago

Thank you - I appreciate the critical eye. I got rushed by everything in my household and this one .. read more

11 Years Ago

Glad to help, goodness knows we all need an objective eye from time to time.

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16 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2013
Last Updated on May 24, 2013
Tags: death, poetry, life


Kristin Lee
Kristin Lee

Portland, OR

I write with a no holds barred attitude, wielding my pen like a dagger to carve tales of fiction entwined with hard and bitter truths. My work generates bold, sometimes dark and devious stories that .. more..

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A Poem by Kristin Lee

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