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Broken Utopia

Broken Utopia

A Poem by lindsay

We all grow up wanting and hearing the same thing;
"just be happy" they all tell us, live for you dream.
However, as we slowly get older the saying seem to change.
So everything you said was a lie, is what you are telling me?

What happened to live your life?
What happened to being free?
What happened to find someone you love?
I know where it went.
It was lost.
Destroyed in all little place called society.

Where went all the geniuses?
The rebels who made this world what it was supposed to be?
Their ideas were so fresh and new,
but they were lost in society.

I thought it was good enough.
To just simply be.
I'll have my job and a family to love
sounds perfect to me.

But, no.
Now, we are bred to know what was right; is wrong.
What we always dreamed was just a dream all along.

We have to be the best right?
At the top of our game!
Taking out everyone in the way
and showing no shame.
Working for no one,
and for our success we have ourselves to blame.

But you left out one small detail
in your master plan.
You see, I still I am working for you.
We are forever damned.

I will not follow this.
I will never follow you.
I will extract myself from society.
For just good enough,
is beautiful for me.

A little tear runs down my cheek,
for I do not know what the next generation will seek.
Will they have the heart that so many of us do? 
The heart to still just be and act against you?
One can only hope that some will take a stand.
To break out and to help create;
what I believe society can still be.

To help make it grand.

© 2011 lindsay

Author's Note

My feelings, obliviously towards society.

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I pretty much sing from the same hymn sheet as you here i am not too enamoured with society right now i feel that we humans are being crushed with adversity as the companies and the media wish to shape the nations of the world,us normal plebs are nothing but a number the nationa insurance card number that is all we count for and a small plot of land when we bite the dust,living the dream? you gotta be kidding me more like living the hell.
I liked this poem in it's war intensity you showed balls of steel to cut adrift from popular beliefs off the beaten track with your view and colourful with your descriptive narration.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I liked it. Very emotional and well put. Society is always bringing us down and this an amazing and defiant piece. Keep at it, and let's fight society.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You really poured out your heart in this write!!! Emotional, thought provoking, and beautifully written!! Way-To-Go!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It seems like you put a lot of ourself into this poem. I really like it and think you did put all you have into, and for that, a piece of society is now oblivious. great job, keep it up! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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13 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on August 13, 2009
Last Updated on February 2, 2011



Mentor, OH

Hey, I'm Lindsay.I'm majoring in Creative Writing and Graphic Design at Ohio University. I like meeting new people.I want to travel and try everything.Writing is everything to me.I am really passionat.. more..

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