Can't get you off my body

Can't get you off my body

A Poem by Valkyrie Warrior

An ode to hormones and hot boys


I know who you are

And I know what you do

Your hair fall's so perfectly around your face

I know your a jerk

And you call me a nerd

I wish I could kiss you

I so want to slap you

In my heart you bring me down

Look at those arms

Oh shut up!

In my head I know your an a*****e

I wish I could get my body to feel the same

© 2015 Valkyrie Warrior

Author's Note

Valkyrie Warrior
You feel me girls?

My Review

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hahaha... when life gives you hot boys, kiss em. :) then get serious ;)

i got my cutie.... do you?

100 points.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

I know right, it can be hard to resit, even if their jerkfaces. No, my area is seriously barren of h.. read more
Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

yeah. well the cute are usually taken, or act like jerks. but you can find someone :)
Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

no seems to want me :( lol
This works on both sides. Good work

Posted 8 Years Ago

Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

Yeah I guess it does. Thanks for reviewing!
Oh, gosh I feel you! :P. Cute ones are often jerks.... I guess that's why I like fictional boys :P

Posted 8 Years Ago

Madeleine Rose

8 Years Ago

Umm... I think you've reviewed most of my stuff but sure
Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

cool, but i you want me to
Madeleine Rose

8 Years Ago

Okay. :)!!

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3 Reviews
Added on November 9, 2015
Last Updated on November 9, 2015
Tags: funny, teenage girl, hormones, teenage boy


Valkyrie Warrior
Valkyrie Warrior

Vallhallah , My mind

Hello again I have decided to return to this community for real this time. Sorry to all those who sent me read requests, I am getting on to those as you read this :) more..


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