Rhys's Surprise

Rhys's Surprise

A Poem by Charley

A poem about a boy who lives in a dark world with some others. Some people get "graced" by wings- Black Beauty, Cloud White, or Speckled Brown

Unfolded beauties,
A feathered surprise.
I keep them hidden;
We’re among spies.

2 intricate fans
Rest upon my back.
He enters my room,
An awestruck Jack.

I fold them tight
And turn around,
Only he saw
‘Cause we’re underground.

Jack blink for a second
But then smiles.
He understands-
Remembering Kyle’s.

He leaves, not
A word spoken.
The others are asleep,
Not to be woken.

I have been graced
With Black Beauty wings,
In a world cursed by
Spies and Kings.

© 2011 Charley

Author's Note

I was studying my baby chickens' wings and i found that i really like how they look and feel. So, i wrote this poem...maybe to be part of a longer collection of poems or a story...i don't know

My Review

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Interesting. Like with your other poem, pictures, you should continue it

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 30, 2011
Last Updated on March 30, 2011



Lafayette, CO

I love writing stories. I often have ideas, but they don't all get onto paper. Most of my stories remain unfinished, but I'm hoping to change that. *update* November 2015 I wrote a whole novel.. more..

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