

A Poem by Mazie Tackett

Sometimes I'm tye-dye.

Every emotion fighting to be free.

Laugh, hide, scream, cry,

It's all so confusing to me.


Although it's not my style,

everywhere joy spreads to,

and I end up in a smile.

but my other side continuously shines through.


Fire red is me.

My anger outweighing all.

Drowning in a deep red sea,

I refuse to break or fall.


Both sides truely me.

Neither side weak or lazy.

And as far I can see,

both sides make up Mazie.

© 2012 Mazie Tackett

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I loved this work! Great job and wonderful rhyme scheme. A shameless statement of one's identity; again, great job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love this, great self proclamation and detail. No spelling errors or anything that I can see, so keep it up.

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow ...beautiful....kepp it up

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

Good ryhming! :) I really like this. I can tell your a very powerful girl Mazie :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Definitely interesting at how all of this is expressed through a poem, and within a certain point, I can relate. It's written nicely, a nice touch of two polar opposites.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nice writing! Cool how you can write so easily about yourself. Well done!

Posted 12 Years Ago

cool! its like doing a portrait poem with colors, very creative.

Posted 12 Years Ago

really cool. never read a poem the poet themselves. really interesting. well done

Posted 12 Years Ago

great use of a poem:describing yourself how you view you. I think this was greatly written. Keep it up Mazie! :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on June 4, 2012
Last Updated on June 4, 2012
Tags: colors, emotions, fire, description, happy, anger, me


Mazie Tackett
Mazie Tackett


My name is Mazie Tackett. I'm unusual, diiferent, weird. I've never really been that good with people so I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have love me to death and i love them. I've bee.. more..

Red Red

A Poem by Mazie Tackett

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