

A Poem by Mazie Tackett

Kittens rolling in a ball.
Kittens climbing up the wall.
Kittens jumping up and down.
Kittens jumping all around.
Kittens slowing down a bit.
Kittens still won't sit.
Kittens running really fast,
but their energy won't last.
Kittens on me, purring deeply.
Kittens on me, kinda sleepy.

© 2013 Mazie Tackett

Author's Note

Mazie Tackett
I wrote this poem because my friend asked I could write a poem about anything and I said just about so she gave me the topic kittens so I wrote this

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This is ridiculously young, naive, and sweet. Yet it obviously has a talented author behind it :) you, like me have much room to mature as a poet. And remember, that poetry isn't always just about finding words that rhyme.
Best of wishes in your writing,

Posted 11 Years Ago

cute :3
i like this.. :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

you are creative and can write about anything when you face a should have this song-poem for children books get its copyrights,and you should consider writing such as this especially for children,it seem you have the beauty of a child in you. good luck

Posted 11 Years Ago

LOL cute.

Posted 11 Years Ago

adorable...and so true, I can't seem to tame the wild beast in my house, terrorizing all. It is 5lbs of furry fury and razor daughters baby, half demon, lovable kitten Binkx. Cute 100/100

Posted 12 Years Ago

awwwwwwww this is sooooo cute

Posted 12 Years Ago

sooo cute

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is exactly like my little kitten

Posted 12 Years Ago

Cute! lol But kittens can be crazy. Cool little poem :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

funny little poem

Posted 12 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Added on June 9, 2012
Last Updated on May 8, 2013
Tags: poems, kittens, running, energy, sleepy


Mazie Tackett
Mazie Tackett


My name is Mazie Tackett. I'm unusual, diiferent, weird. I've never really been that good with people so I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have love me to death and i love them. I've bee.. more..

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