I Am

I Am

A Poem by Mary Something--Or--Other

This poem is actually about the main charater of my book Light Rider, but Ameron is based off of me so it's really about me.


I Am

By: A person, not a stereotype.

I don't care,

You can stare.

Because I like the attention.

I won't mind,

If what I mean is what you can't find.

Because that's the point.

I am demented,

And sometimes pretty darn misrepresented!

But I don't give a rat's fuzzy butt.

I am me.

That's all I can be.

So why do some of you expect so much more?

I won't change,

Or rearrange,

Anything for you.

Normal is what I find strange.

And I am quite easily deranged.

It's all very true...

Who we are can not be written in words or arranged in a poem,

Because who we are is not set in Chrome.

We are people, not words, as beautiful as they can be.

I am crude,

And I am rude,

But I have something to say.

And if you can't listen...





© 2009 Mary Something--Or--Other

My Review

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Featured Review

This was really really funny!
i loved it! :)
It was very entertaining and i can totaly respect this, and the fact that you wont rearrange yourself for anyone!
I am totaly like you when you say "normal is what i find strange"
my friends told me that in seventh grade i said; "if you're normal you're weird, and if you're weird your normal." ---eh? ehh?
i applaud this! well done! bravo :)

ps. love the ending!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


this is a comical, innocent, heartful and i'm sure most people would agree: a wonderful messege about freedom of expression set to a humorous tone.
i really liked the natural sonnet rhythm, great job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Haha funny stuff man. Dead shwirral muffins? I must say that hit me by surprise =P

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was really really funny!
i loved it! :)
It was very entertaining and i can totaly respect this, and the fact that you wont rearrange yourself for anyone!
I am totaly like you when you say "normal is what i find strange"
my friends told me that in seventh grade i said; "if you're normal you're weird, and if you're weird your normal." ---eh? ehh?
i applaud this! well done! bravo :)

ps. love the ending!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 9, 2009
Last Updated on August 10, 2009


Mary Something--Or--Other
Mary Something--Or--Other

Saginaw, MI

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