Yes, I Understand

Yes, I Understand

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

This poem is dedicated to all who understand the sting of cancer. Each father, daughter, mother and son whos' hourglass did fall. My heart goes out to the parents.



The big move


This vessel of mine is so frail.

Unturned hourglass sand.

I try to hide my burdens deep,

when my family lends a hand.



I lived this life with all I am.

It was a life quite grand!

I gave each moment all of me,

my flesh it now demands.



I am not sad of letting go.

All life a short expected span.

I pray for strength for all,

may they see the master plan.



It’s what’s beyond the silver veil,

this soul it must be manned.

It’s time for me to say goodbye,

I hope you understand.



I know you’ll cry without a doubt.

Once more please take my hand.

Together we’ll accept this fate.

Separately we’ll now stand.



This cancer took a part of you,

as I slipped from your hand.

That part of you is with me now.

And yes, I understand







© 2012 Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Author's Note

Kimberly "Melody" Carney
My hope for this write is that I kindle a=understanding anew. From our first breath we take...we are not promised tomorrow...only promised that on day we will take our last. Live like that day may be today. Take the time you've been too busy to give to do what you; promised, meant to do, been waiting to do, just want to do...right now may be what you are remembered for.
So many have said this is such a terrible disease...I agree, yet one more deadly runs through the veins slowly destroying us all...selfishness. It finds its way in and like cancer slowly kills any life we had with family, friends, relationships, parenting, marriage, work, who we once were. The saddest part there is a cure for it…in selfishness we ignore it. Now that my friend is a terrible disease!

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This is very sad. You are about to make me cry again. I have 3 children and I could never imagine losing any of them. I lost my grandmother to lung cancer and that was extremely rough, I could imagine how I would react to my own child, I don't want to either, and pray I never have to. This poem is amazing, and very heartfelt. You are an amazing poet, I always enjoy reading your work. This poem is one of my favorites, even though its quite the tear jerker. As always 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Your poem is eloquent and meaningful I must admit, and quite comforting in its theme. The scope of pain and the heavy burden cancer demands from a family, where one is afflicted by it, is beyond words. I cannot even begin to describe the torment, the months of daily dying that slowly drain the very heart and soul of the ones who have to watch helplessly, as a family member, friend, or neighbor, dies of cancer. Two words can describe it: Cruel and Fatal.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

It is all a matter of perspective...I do not believe death is the end of a soul and I do without a d.. read more
saddening and moving. keep writing!!! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Indeed it is a touchy poem. This poem holds vast meaning, within very few lines and pictures you brought out here much more things usually a poet can bring. That's great topic on which you have written your poem. Carry on.

Do writing more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Extraordinary. Cancer is...I can't even begin to tell how I feel about it. It provokes so many thoughts within me and they lead down a endless road that spirals and spirals toward anger, rage, sadness, depression and everything in between,

Posted 11 Years Ago

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This is a very emotional heart-wrenching piece. The last stanza with the last line seems to be a kinda perfect ending.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like thew rewrite much better drop me a line ill talk about it if you like

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i must say this is beautiful written, the words are moving, infact i have to dry my eyes. moving poem, i am sorry to hear you lost someone to cancer, it is one of the sad things that can happen, but like "lived this life with all I am. It was a life quite grand! I gave each moment all of me," that part i think is the most beautiful. Thank you for sharing this moving poem. I'm sure others can benfit from this very dear writting

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes.. when one member is ill then then it is a family illness.. it is more difficult when the one that is ill is a child..

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sorry. I'm tired of this poem. I'm tired of this video. Yes, I watch Sarah McLachlan touting the sick doggies and cancer babies. I have personal issues with cancer. My family is seriously affected by leukemia. But these poems are like a yoga meditation or bedtime poster. I'm just not touched. I need emotion, not pretty pictures. Sorry to be so blunt. I hope you don't get offended. I'm just pretty picky when it comes to personal topics and subject matter that I have emotional investment in. I wasn't able to suspend disbelief long enough to get past the third portion.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Laura Maidah

11 Years Ago

Btw, can you listen to my new song? I can't tell anymore if it's good or not. It's an embedded link,.. read more
Kimberly "Melody" Carney

11 Years Ago

I would be happy too. I do not get RR any ways, I ask to have the request sent to my msg. I will do .. read more
Laura Maidah

11 Years Ago


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64 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 16, 2012
Last Updated on August 23, 2012
Tags: Cancer, confusion, shame, pain, healing, Love, health, ageing, grace, life, abuse, poetry, wisdom, knowlage, nature, understanding, family, purity, soul, unity, equality


Kimberly "Melody" Carney
Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Denver, CO

To really truly believe in your dreams and make them come true… you must not first believe in yourself, but be prepared to prove your doubts and fears wrong. To know giving up is not an easy .. more..


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