

A Poem by Huggy Bear

A confrontation and an opportunity to go to heaven.

I look towards the sky
the sun is setting
It leaves a violet hue
I look exultingly and see angels
Angelic voices call me
They beckon me to leave this medieval realm
They promise everlasting paradise
The decision is hard
My mind feels like fingernails on a metallic chalkboard
A few minutes later I came to a decision
That decision is......

© 2010 Huggy Bear

Author's Note

Huggy Bear
What choice would you make?

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Talk about leaving us in suspense! What would YOU do? I'm still thinking this out! Good poem, got me thinking!

Posted 13 Years Ago

What is that decision….
Please tell me….

Posted 13 Years Ago

that was cool. my choice of course would be to stay here a while until I finish my mission on earth whatever that may be or at least finish my bucket list of things I still long to do. great imagery with this poem ahhhh anges how lovely a thought( the fingernails on the mettalic thing made me cringe yikes lol)

Posted 13 Years Ago

i'd probably go to heaven, but at the same time i'd be sad to leave earth
nice poem

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2010
Last Updated on August 14, 2010


Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear

Astoria, NY

- I have such an innocence and purity that not a lot of people have - Have a heart that most people can only fake - My heart has led me to some dark regions of life. - My heart has also led me to s.. more..


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