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Warrior Miki

Warrior Miki

A Chapter by Deepshikha

The word of the Warrior's sacrifice is brought forth...but it is not the truth.

The silvery moon radiated cool light. It had risen directly above the Sorasu Temple, where the priestesses went about their nightly duties, namely tending to the wounded and the sick.
Since the war had ended, people had been flooding into their sanctuary, hoping to find some start to a new existence. It was moot, since both patron and worker were seeking sanctuary.
Outside the Temple grounds, past a wall of great white willows, chaos reigned the land. The Demon King's borders had been extended, while the Sun Warriors' own land lay in shambles. It was not as if the Warriors had surrendered; indeed, the Demon King himself had gone to Takeo, the Chief Warrior and presented him with a black-iron dagger, a symbol of submission.
But Mahalaz's terms of submission were great. Though the King himself had no end of imps to battle for him, he knew of the Warriors' losses, and Takeo thought he took pity on the humans. In return for surrender, Mahalaz demanded a third of the Warriors' lands, to support the growing nation of demons, as well as formalities in the governing of the Warriors' lands. In turn, Mahalaz would help rebuild Aakash, as the Warrior Lands were known, and he promised that all would be seen to, as equals and one in the eyes of the Lady, and as equal to the imps.
And the king had kept his promise - after many months - slowly working to exterminate the rebel imps that did not approve of the King's new policies. It was a precarious job, and the Warriors gave great help to the demons fighting the imps.

Now however, chaos was once again unfolding in the Warriors' lands. They no longer had the great numbers that they once did, many of the Warriors either dead or still fighting. Even though Priestesses all throughout Aakash had dismissed many of the Warriors of the Temples to help in the extermination effort, there weren't nearly enough to battle the rogue imps around the lands.
Not surprisingly, the Demon King's lands were too in chaos. It was rumored that it was to do with the recently announced betrothal of the King; however, no imp in the King's lands would dare protest over a simple betrothal.
With each passing day the rumors had gotten wilder and wilder, until it had become what was currently being passed around the Sorasu Temple: that a Warrior was to marry the Demon King.
And not just a common Warrior, but Takeo's own daughter.

Many wondered if the betrothal to Warrior Miki was the reason for both the peace and the chaos. Many more wondered whether Takeo had offered his daughter, or if Mahalaz had taken her hostage. And even more wondered why Miki was nowhere to be seen.

© 2010 Deepshikha

Author's Note

Okay, babes. Talk to me. Tell me if it sucks. Tell me if you can't comprehend a word. Tell me darlings, tell me.

Thank you Vik!

My Review

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Oh no! This is everything but suckish! :)

The execution is near perfect and the grammatical and spelling mistakes are virtually non-existent!

Keep up with the great work! :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2010
Last Updated on March 13, 2010
Tags: moon, sun, temple, demons, warriors, priestesses, imps, chaos, marriage



Where Time Passes, PA

This is archive for the poetry I've written, spanning back from when I first started writing in 2007. I mostly write fiction now and don't post it on here. Enjoy if you'd like. I'm Deepshikha. .. more..

stagnant stagnant

A Poem by Deepshikha