soul remedy

soul remedy

A Poem by Nebunova

So many fears paralyzing my humanity into hedge stones
Standing atop mountains that grasp the horizons of opportunity
Breezing through me like sand falling from my fingers...grains of plans, jobs, the family slipping away 

These vicious cycles that have me frozen till this day

                     Gazing in the mirror...



                                                                                                              why am I?

                      I've become a product of my past but will I let it dictate whether this love will even last?
                           Will I let the sorrows, woes, and lows drown me in my clean slated tomorrows?

Sometimes I feel like a cat in a tree
stuck so high up but feeling low on the contrary
Stricken by bolts of the mental flu

A sickness Nyquil could never undo
                                   When everything is bitter
                               my voice seems to be the only soul calling
                                    to pull me out of this darkness falling

                                      My inner voice called upon by a deeper one,
          a shapeless one, who only concern
                                     is manifesting pure love amongst everyone
                               My heart became a chisel,
                            chipping away rusty pasts
                              forming new curves that foster
                                smiles and long lasting laughs 

                                    This is my new remedy
  although it's quite new to me
     But if I don't get used to this now,
    I'll be howling restlessly
   with the rest of the world's insanity

© 2014 Nebunova

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your poem gives us a beautiful message that we should forget evrything and start a new book with happy chapters.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted 8 Years Ago

we all need to find our way to deal with this world so we don't become part of the howling rabble. Well penned.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

thank you boehm, much appreciated
The first I noticed about this poem was its structure, and I have to say, it works. This poem speaks to me. This world is so crazy, how on earth are we supposed to know or understand it? That uncertainty bleeds into our own heads, confusing even what should be concrete- our identities. Thanks for writing!

Posted 10 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

thank you for reading :)
keep your head up and remember that
"This is my new remedy
although it's quite new to me
But if I don't get used to this now,
I'll be howling restlessly
with the rest of the world's insanity"
rewind it in your head and remember your something special, too.

Posted 10 Years Ago

In depth thoughts here...
the way you present this verse...
the structure of your words...
makes the reader view the meaning...
more than just the words themselves...

Posted 10 Years Ago

A vivid poem... I could just visualize ou sitting there in a deeply searching mood!

Posted 10 Years Ago

It has a very interesting form, I must say. I love your pondering on this one. You've written the natural battle of the self against the self where it clawed out its own skin searching for itself, questioning itself. And I love the way you are fighting against the inner demons; the heart chiseling out the rusty parts and hopes for the better moments. This is a good write. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a very powerful poem. I love the format you used as well. Great job. Thanks for sharing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Quirky yet powerful, some really intriguing thoughts here.

Stricken by bolts of the mental flu
A sickness Nyquil could never undo

Must say that made me chuckle...and I like the way your wrapped it up.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Changing the font like you did added to this wonderful poem, in my opinion. Brilliant.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I was hesitant to do so but I'm glad I stuck to my gut feeling :) thank you so much Brittany

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31 Reviews
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Added on January 16, 2014
Last Updated on January 16, 2014



New York , NY

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