

A Poem by Nebunova

To believe in the dignity of a man is not enough
Words hold power, essentially as vital as every second to its hour
but if your actions don't serve as a reaction to your words
Then you're like a sword hanging on a wall, potentially powerful and yet so
And yet you still managed to sever her soul
She's leaking feelings of bloody self blame
Ashamed that she poured out her heart
until she realized its the reason behind her art
So instead of wallowing in the pain she thought she couldn't stitch back
She laid back and inhaled into a stronger version of herself
Now she bows with gratitude
And thanks you for being you
To God, you're worth more than the stars combined
so when you look at the scars that are left behind
Smile with pride and your heart open wide
Cuz stormy rays are the days that bring tomorrows
rainbows and sunshine

© 2014 Nebunova

My Review

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This poem is like death by a thousand cuts. Each words leaves an impression. The pictures that were painted burn into the minds eye. It was powerfully depicted how one may talk the talk, but not live by the code. The strength and resolve in the end was the icing on the cake. It was gratifying to see the near death make one wiser and stronger. Inspires a lot of deep thought.

Posted 3 Years Ago

A beautifully written poem with nice message.

especially these lines;
To believe in the dignity of a man is not enough
Words hold power, essentially as vital as every second to its hour
but if your actions don't serve as a reaction to your words
Then you're like a sword hanging on a wall, potentially powerful and yet so

thanks for sharing

Posted 8 Years Ago

Such a beautiful write keep writing this is poetry that captures😊

Posted 8 Years Ago

A very well thought out and motivating poem Nebunova. I felt a lot of effort and emotion went into this Poem!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Brilliant write. Wonderful imagery and depth. The profound message that you herald in this poem, I can believe, you speak with strength and certainty. You are a rare gem. Kudos, and thank you for being you.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Very profound meaning lies deep in your each word written :) So beautiful and thought provoking piece of write :) PLEASE keep it up :) You have got a unique talent :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

'Words hold power, essentially as vital as every second to its hour'...beautiful line, something all writers can certainly relate to, and readers for that matter...I love the 'hanging sword' image as well...this is a great piece, full of emotion and poetry and storytelling, all coming together to produce a special poem...nicely done :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Mike Emil approves
despite there being no
mention of hibachi
or subiko

Posted 9 Years Ago

This is a strong write with a great message - very enjoyable, Nebunova!

Posted 9 Years Ago

such a strong theme .. our healing requires forgiveness to be sure .. well said .. i feel inspired to be more honest with myself and others .. in a relationship dishonesty is what dulls our power but when we strike with it the damage is worse than if it were sharp ;) again .. love the theme and lessons in your poem .. very empowering ...

Posted 9 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2014
Last Updated on September 10, 2014



New York , NY

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