Necessity of M (matter)?

Necessity of M (matter)?

A Story by neurostar burns

"There is no evidence for matter to be a prerequisite for a cosmos or functions thereof."
"Matter is not primeval to the universe, it is not present at the very beginning of the cosmos. Thereby, it need not be considered a primal or essential element of the makeup of a cosmos by which to compute the course of a cosmos. If anything is considered primeval, it would be empty space. It has far less constraints, especially for expansion. Space is unbounded, unlike matter.
The net energy value of matter in the cosmos is zero.
"The preference of our situation in the universe has been based upon a prejudice. The prejudice is derived from a biased assumption that the cosmos can be measured and existence certified in terms of matter (mass)  and the effect of mass.
"The issue was that the deviation from the constancy was not on the anticipated direction. It was no longer enough to invoke only matter to explain those observations. A new component had to be invoked adjectivated dark." I. Albarran.
This prejudice has been reinforced up to the time of Albert Einstein and beyond. Matter has been treated by scientists as an a priori given or base upon which to build theories, paradigms, and models of the universe. Yet any capable person who wishes to research thoroughly any subject, knows they should always include the most elemental features when addressing a whole system."
"Any who continue to portray the cosmos as a derivative activity of matter will not be portraying a wholesome description  of the universe because the prominent elements of the universe are now found to be otherwise, e.g. cosmic voids comprise up to 70% of the universe's volume."
"These new findings fly in the face of Albert Einstein who could not abide a world without matter.
Contra to Einstein's aversion to a world without matter, it is now said that the ratio of space volume to matter will grow to 9:1. Yet some scientists cling to making matter significant in their cosmic hypothesis and may mislead the public.
With expanding space making objects more distant all the time, matter will not be an essential component upon which to derive or base the nature of the cosmos. M does not provide the energy  "E" for the expansion. Hence, E=MC2, matter is not in equal production as the formula was interpreted as it will not be a prevailing component. Indeed, when the stars die out, they will no longer produce heavy elements, there then will be no matter produced into space. Yet the universe will go on.
If only, the people who speak of "vastness of space" had an inkling of what they were addressing.
Note: the above quotes are from this author's previous entry.

© 2023 neurostar burns

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Added on April 27, 2023
Last Updated on September 3, 2023


neurostar burns
neurostar burns


Avid hot tea drinker, likes seafood and asian eateries and home cooked food including east asian, trail hikes, lecturing, being single, cosmology, sky watching, open natural vistas. more..
