Phantasmagoria-an exposition

Phantasmagoria-an exposition

A Story by neurostar burns

Phantasmagoria is usually described as a nebulous state (of existence) or apparent perception. Most substantial treatments take a veridical explanation.  Phantasmagoria is not entered into common literature often but it is considered experience even with substance to living beings by sensoral and neural ways.

The following will be an exposition on a holistic expounding.

What we experience as life or living is found fugacious. That being, then how do we
 truly relate in a connected way to such experiences since nothing permanent can be found to be established? Is there any means that we can substantiate our experiences, and at any level at all?

We want to depend on thoughts but those are some of the most fleeting forms of our empirical experiences, not steady. Chemistry is subject to change. How do these come about? Are they made up and so we live accordingly? Is that due to ingraining such and then hardwiring "experience"? This seems one reasonable way to bring about explanation of our realm of experiences (remember other lifeforms also live with this). We experience a variegated presence with levels, e.g. ingrained is what makes rock solid but also this includes gossamer presences and even more out into the
diffuse space, yet they may experience unsteadiness, change.  The ingrained experience can become hardwired, like rock, wood, bone or be more diffuse.

One thing to keep in mind is compared to say, phenomenon is it is taken first as
some kind of exterior presence or activity one may experience and then evaluate. Phantasmagoria is traced as inborn, it happens from internal activity and sources.

Hence it seems inescapable. It is not arisen through a physical object. It is inbuilt tendency of internal, subjective processing which would seem to also be developed likewise for experience which means it develops before in utero. An embryo is not isolated from experience, it is also receptive and reacts to environment. Thus, already before birth the embryo is ingraining  of experience and hardwiring.

This from embryo or earlier will influence one's experience, which at times will not seem clearly well defined as we would like but has to be adjusted to again and again.

For one example, erroneously, we take "solid" objects to be "real and complete unto themselves" i.e. at face value. Neglecting the total effects of nature. One thinks all there is in total to a body is the visible part and nothing else. A smart person will see there is more-we exhale breath, when it is hot and people sweat they give off heat/smells. These are not taken commonly or associated with solid body functions, but they will be found to be so and they are not part of the more solid structure. Likewise, we may view glass reflections or heat rising from hot pavement or metal and yet the wave are not part of the objects we associate with. An illusion to us is seeing a flat surface yet it may inexplictedly give off waves. Because of our a priori assumptions, these more subtle nature occurrences are phantasmagoric.
Phantasmagoria is not a nature of it own to be encountered. It is the capacity to adjust to changeable conditions. It could be further said that any thing that has receptors can be subject to phantasmagoria, neural receptors, RNA-DNA has receptors and is subject to change, e.g. mutations. Most everything we identify with is unsteady when closely examined. As said, it seems inescapable.

Anyone is welcome the read the decades old poem, "Phantasmagoria Vivify"
it is the very first entry. ns

© 2023 neurostar burns

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Added on May 7, 2023
Last Updated on June 7, 2023


neurostar burns
neurostar burns


Avid hot tea drinker, likes seafood and asian eateries and home cooked food including east asian, trail hikes, lecturing, being single, cosmology, sky watching, open natural vistas. more..
