A process for time reversal

A process for time reversal

A Story by neurostar burns

Quantum explorers with recent background knowledge in quantum, could start a process to effect the time direction and in effect make quantum reversals
"Now there exists in the realm of non-relativistic  quantum mechanics, certain principles or methods that can allow resetting an essentially uncontrolled quantum state o a previous state that the system had already undergone. These principles, or so-called rewinding protocols have been proven, at least in theory."
"For reasons that we will explore, such an instantaneous accession of information between nonlocal systems/observers require a classical communication channel between the observers as well as local operators to access the vacuum-state correlations in their local region."
"To be explicit, if two quantum operators are such that they do not commute, then it is practically impossible for us to have a precise value of the observables simultaneously. Another unique characteristic of these protocols  is that even if a fault occurs and the protocol fails to deliver, there is a possibility to introduce new protocols that can revoke the fault and smoothly navigate the system  to the original quantum state."
It was worked on at IQOQI at Vienna.
"The quantum state for which time reversal was empirically demonstrated consisted of a single quantum of light or photon."
"One of the most peculiar aspects of the work is that it is not at all necessary for the experimenter know a priori the key information and constraints of the quantum system under study and this deterministically leads to the conclusion that the protocol is not just restricted to photons. Given practical realization of time reversal for quantum processes, it would not be surprising to remark that the future is quite bright for quantum technologies."
Source: "Reversing Quantum Processes Now Made Empirically Possible!"
February 28, 2023.

© 2023 neurostar burns

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Added on May 14, 2023
Last Updated on May 15, 2023


neurostar burns
neurostar burns


Avid hot tea drinker, likes seafood and asian eateries and home cooked food including east asian, trail hikes, lecturing, being single, cosmology, sky watching, open natural vistas. more..
