‘I’m not ashamed to have a friend who is of a different age or sex

‘I’m not ashamed to have a friend who is of a different age or sex

A Story by liker

‘I’m not ashamed to have a friend who is of a different age or sex’: Chris defends his friendship with Ashleigh on Big Brother


‘I’m not ashamed to have a friend who is of a different age or sex’: Chris defends his friendship with Ashleigh on Big Brother

Thursday night's episode of Big Brother saw Chris fight back at the public perception of his friendship with Ashleigh.

Following the task the day before, the topic of conversation in the house was about paranoia.

Chris and Mark talk about the Housemates state of mind and Mark asked: ‘Do you think everyone has gone mad?’

Chris replied: ‘Yeah, I know I have.’ Mark says: ‘Why does everyone think that everyone is a secret agent.’

Zoe joked to Big Brother as she said, ‘Everyone’s proper paranoid in here!’, and revealed that she felt that everyone was still distrustful of her and Pav.

Platonic: Chris said, ¿If people actually think I¿m creepy¿ sorry it looks that way but I¿m not going to change my friendship with her'

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As the housemates discussed the on-going shopping task Image:and Christopher’s comment about what could happen next caused Ashleigh to take offence.

She snapped that Big Brother could do a lot more especially to her as she felt that she hasn’t been ‘degraded’ as much as some of the other Housemates.

Christopher was not impressed with Ashleigh’s bad mood and walked off as Ashleigh continued to vent her frustration.

When Mark went to talk to Christopher about the row, Christopher said: ‘I won’t be spoken to like that and she can jog right on if she thinks otherwise.’

Mark then went on to talk to Zoe about his concern about how he might appear to his family in the house.

He admitted that he felt the way ‘he has carried on’ might be a surprise to his family and that they might not be proud of him.

Mark claimed that his family is traditional and they had never seen him like this with someone as he has never been in a relationship.

He mused that he should have been more open with them before he went in the house.

The Housemates gathered for the final of this week's shopping task to see if they could match up the categories from the public poll of 30,000 viewers on Housematescompare.com.

Housemates guessed who they thought topped and tailed the poll category and then the actual poll results were revealed to them.

As the Housemates only managed to get 3/11 correct they failed the task meaning that they had failed the task as a whole and would be living on basic rations for the week.

Pav apologised to Ashleigh for staring at her as he said: ‘I just wanted to make a special point that I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I don’t think I have been staring but I apologise if you felt like I did.’

Meanwhile Chris went to vent in the diary room after being voted the most creepy housemate as he said: ‘If people actually think I’m creepy… sorry it looks that way but I’m not going to change my friendship with her.

‘To have people think that about someone who I really value and respect as a person is not really nice for me. I don’t want Ashleigh to feel uncomfortable around me’

He added: ‘I’m not ashamed to have a friend who is of different age or a different sex. We need to get out of this Victorian age where it is seen as inappropriate’.

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Added on August 1, 2014
Last Updated on August 20, 2014
Tags: beauty