The Comedic Depressed Man

The Comedic Depressed Man

A Poem by Stephen

One of life's ironies

The skeuopoios he employs,
crafting a mask of golden linen
to wear in his life's comedy, 
by which, to fame he has risen

He puts on an exquisite show, 
wearing his mask of comedy
while he rots beneath this facade,
as the multitude relish in this novelty

he delights the ripened, with
his stand up vulgar monologues
and enchantes the hearts of children
in his epic Disney dialogues 

beneath this show of grandeur,
there is a child left disenchanted
his all he gives, to fill the void,
where happiness has yet to be granted

for who knew, he himself needed comedy,
to lighten the burden of his drama  
for his life was filled with despondency,
leading to his audiences' trauma

on the world's stage, he stood
wearing his mask of golden linen
veiling the cancerous void, 
that would soon be his prison

life is full of ironies 
for this man there was no exception,
for his life was a show of comedy,
yet it ended in a state of depression 

now we look into the coffin, 
upon the golden mask of hypocrisy
that covers the decadent spirit,
of the true man we refused to see

© 2015 Stephen

My Review

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Comedy has always had a soft spot in my heart. Maybe it's because I spent 95% of my childhood/teenage years in a terrible depression. Even in my own writing, to break up the constant depressed mood, I add some comic relief. I just need to.

This poem was written exceptionally well. Amazing work!

- Brittney

P.S. If you wouldn't mind checking out my novel, HIM, I'd truly appreciate it. I'm looking to have it published but won't do so until I get as much feedback as I feel necessary. (:

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thanks for the appraisal friend. I will definitely check out your novel and give you any feedback I .. read more

9 Years Ago

You're welcome! (: & thank you so much!
Well, depression can be a scary, lonely thing. If you.. read more


This is so reminiscent of Robin Williams to me, I saw his life and that of many other
comedians through your exquisitely written lines. So true your words that shatter
my heart-strings for those behind the mask who make us laugh at their own expense.

Your poem gives way to much deep thought and introspection, Excellent writing and
thoroughly enjoyed by me...LOve, Sheryl

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading. I orginally wrote this poem about Robin Williams because he was my favorite acto.. read more

9 Years Ago

The Pleasure was mine, it really captured my attention.
Very good poem. I feel as though I can relate very well to this. I have horrible anxiety, and I've always been on the sadder side of the spectrum. If I feel uncomfortable in a situation, I crack jokes and one-liners until I can escape. It's a coping mechanism, per se.

Wonderfully written poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading! Thanks for the appraisal. I appreciate you kind words concerning my poem. I know.. read more
It's like the tip of the iceberg, so very little shows, so much lies beneath.

Exceptional poem.


Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and for the appraisal, I really appreciate it!
........hmm, I will never look at another clown the same way ★

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading

9 Years Ago

....most welcome., I enjoyed :) ★
Classic greek tragedy - the ones who make us laugh the most can't find happiness for themselves. Nice work.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and for the appraisal. I appreciate it
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Comedy has always had a soft spot in my heart. Maybe it's because I spent 95% of my childhood/teenage years in a terrible depression. Even in my own writing, to break up the constant depressed mood, I add some comic relief. I just need to.

This poem was written exceptionally well. Amazing work!

- Brittney

P.S. If you wouldn't mind checking out my novel, HIM, I'd truly appreciate it. I'm looking to have it published but won't do so until I get as much feedback as I feel necessary. (:

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thanks for the appraisal friend. I will definitely check out your novel and give you any feedback I .. read more

9 Years Ago

You're welcome! (: & thank you so much!
Well, depression can be a scary, lonely thing. If you.. read more
I am really glad to be back here.And first i came to check your works.Was really excited to see what was cooking up here on your page.And as i read this "Robin Williams " came to my mind. Well not only he. But we all wear a false facade.I admire the way you narrate this despondent tale.. My favourite phrase was the line which talked of filling the void.Everybody has their own share of pain.And if that is the case every reader will be able to connect to it :)


Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks dear friend for taking the time to read my latest poems. I really appreciate you.
When I read this I also thought of Robin Williams. loved the poem. nice work

Posted 9 Years Ago

"beneath this show of grandeur,
there is a child left disenchanted
his all he gives, to fill the void,
where happiness has yet to be granted"
It's so true that we fail to acknowledge the simple fact that the people who make us laugh might be so sad inside and may have gone through deep turmoil in their lives.
A very touching piece of writing and was so intense that I totally loved it!
Great work, Stephen :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Great write. Very well written. I am in awe of your way of being so descriptive. 👏👏👏👍

Posted 9 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on January 24, 2015
Last Updated on January 25, 2015
Tags: comedy, life, man, suicide, depression, poem, mask, gold, golden, refused, see, death



Pensacola , FL

I am very interested in writing. Love to read others writings and really find the meaning within that writing. I love to write to be able to hopefully add meaning to others lives or help them in a tim.. more..


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