

A Poem by Lisasview

My first try at writing a Ballad. Composed in Quatrans: 4-verses, Meter: Iambic Tetrameter and Iambic Trimeter rhythms. Syllable count 8/6/8/6 Rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, etc.



"A w a k e n !"

Surround our hearts with endless song,

across this world of lies.

Let's listen close to what went wrong;

despairing wartime cries.

Of peace, our dreams are not enough …

beneath all anger shed.

Why do we always make it tough?

Time now to move ahead.

In open hearts, it's known what’s right.

So, step out from the dark!

With every day the thousands fight,

and leave their deadly mark.

Awaken hopes today with love,

and give way to the truth.

Believe in heavens safe above …

too many lost in youth.


© 2023 Lisasview

Author's Note

If you happen to read this then I would greatly appreciate a review. I always review what I read.
Thank you,

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Lisa, Lisa, Lisa!

Should I say Mona (respect for Leonardo da Vinci?) Lisa?! ... Perhaps it should be so, but shan't never of ever be told as that which is logically, intelligently, & common sense reasonably so, as in containing and astutely & aptly pertaining to realistic truth of facts revealed, rather than concealed: I, as me, a true to Life's Tree, love your writing, for all that it is, and for all that it can/, should/would/ could/will ever of, perhaps, never, be to those with essence's HEARTS possessing EYES & EARS that damn well DO SEE & HEAR! You are a true Poet, a Poet-ESS, beyond any language's portrayal of defining or description... There IS no more that I, as i, can say ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Wow, dearest Marvin... what a fabulous review...
Thank you so much... I try hard at being a g.. read more


and still we do not have the collective capacity to learn and I wonder if we ever will....

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Yes, I so agree...
Ps listen on Spotify
To skeeter Davis song called end of the world link below

Posted 1 Year Ago

Yes wake up world to all the worlds govt lies I say too
Great write Lisa !

Posted 1 Year Ago

Well said and wonderfully written! All of mankind needs to stop glorifying war and wake up to the realities of it, the lives lost, the destruction it causes, and the devastation it creates.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

What nice things to say. I believe this is your first review of any of my work and I do appreciate i.. read more
Love the structure and rhythm. Great message and powerful imagery and and emotions.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Wow, when I make a suggestion you are right there... I thought you might like it...Hope you will fin.. read more
This is brilliant! Many poets seem to get lost in the meter and syllables and the poem itself loses its essence. But you have managed to avoid this common mistake. Kudos on creating such a wonderful piece.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Oh good...I actually have several old ones from 55 years ago posted...
HOPE, PUSH, SCREAMS an.. read more
Raven A. Myn

1 Year Ago

Oh that's amazing I'll check those out too!

1 Year Ago

Great...Thank you so much
Such a fluent tranquil flow of words of hope and peace. Having warmth on reading. Nicely done Lisa

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thank you so much Andrew.. Aways appreciate your kind reviews,
Lisa, raining here in Spain
andrew mitchell

1 Year Ago

Raining here in South Australia

1 Year Ago

Interesting.... Lisa
A beautifully written and perfectly balanced plea for sanity. Well done, Lisa.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thank you so very much Mike for reading my poem and reviewing it.
Lisa, still in Spain
I seek to add this grand piece to my Library of FAVORITES, but, sadly, the site will not allow me to do so ... if I read a piece of anybody's nobody's writing, and I I find that I respect and love it, then, then, not now of ("What the f**k!") ever when, I do, upon that moment of daring to comment in full honesty of my own personality, do seek to add such said pieces to my personal Library as FAVORITES upon & on this website ... Always have, always will, always shall, until my life runs still, breathless & essence-less ...

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Sometimes the site can be tricky... I did recently find that i can share the poem I like to my email.. read more
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa!

Should I say Mona (respect for Leonardo da Vinci?) Lisa?! ... Perhaps it should be so, but shan't never of ever be told as that which is logically, intelligently, & common sense reasonably so, as in containing and astutely & aptly pertaining to realistic truth of facts revealed, rather than concealed: I, as me, a true to Life's Tree, love your writing, for all that it is, and for all that it can/, should/would/ could/will ever of, perhaps, never, be to those with essence's HEARTS possessing EYES & EARS that damn well DO SEE & HEAR! You are a true Poet, a Poet-ESS, beyond any language's portrayal of defining or description... There IS no more that I, as i, can say ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Wow, dearest Marvin... what a fabulous review...
Thank you so much... I try hard at being a g.. read more

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50 Reviews
Added on February 19, 2023
Last Updated on August 31, 2023



Benitachell, Alicante, Spain

I have been writing poetry and short stories since I was 64 years! I have never connected with any groups but recently thought why not.. So here I ..looking at where this adventure leads me. more..


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