Devil on My Shoulder

Devil on My Shoulder

A Poem by parker

Why does love have to be so important? 
Why do we have to fool with the matter? 
Because love, like most great gifts, 
is both my blessing and my curse, 
bringing on the happiest and the hardest moments 
of my short, young life. 

But once again I find myself 
in a place where I have 
everything that I could want 
and I could be no happier 
until I see you, 
when my heart leaps 
and my blood pounds 
and I ache to touch you 
if even in the most incidental way. 

And thus, the great cruelty 
of civilized society, 
that I cannot simply tell you 
that the first moment I saw you 
I wanted to be yours. 

I have to feign indifference, casual friendship, 
and emit only the subtlest hints 
that my deepest wish 
is for it to be so much more. 
Oh, maybe it is not society 
that makes me do such things, 
maybe it is instead the still-jagged memories 
of the crushing end of my first love- 
that vicious beast that arrives disguised 
as promise and hope. 

But regardless of the reasoning, 
I arrive every morning 
hoping to catch a glimpse of you, 
wishing for a chance encounter 
so that I can drink you in 
while trying to keep my heart beat 
from pounding so loudly 
that it drowns out my careful words 
and measured laughter. 

And somewhere under all these crazy layers 
of protection and deception 
is the tiny, glimmering hope 
that you do these things too. 

But even as I plan my moves and words each day, 
the devil on my shoulder whispers 
that I am being too careful and calculated 
and one day I will be alone and wondering 
why all my tiny silent hints 
amounted to miming in a world 
where you have to scream to earn a second’s notice.

© 2016 parker

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Added on July 27, 2016
Last Updated on July 27, 2016



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