

A Poem by R. L. Igmen

I wrote this poem while gazing up in the sky from a window...

Silently looking at the sky above ,
the pure white clouds are the same as the Dove;
There's no sign of any birds in the air,
gladly the tranquil weather seems so fair.

Searching for a fancy angel-shaped cloud;
then those white things above slowly flood.
Thinking that there is such thing as Heaven--
if there is, my Soul will fly lik'a raven.

© 2010 R. L. Igmen

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This is very nice. Just today I was laying on the football field (lost my P.E. clothes) and looking up at the sunny sky as the clouds began to cover it. I was wearing shades and without the glare I could see the true intricateness of them. I couldn't get over the way they billowed and wisped in such delicate ways but on a massive scale.

This piece instantly reminded me of it. I love when i writing does that!

Posted 13 Years Ago

really picturesque piece, definitely something we all love deep in our hearts, you've done really great here. it's a good thing you picked the deep blue sky to write about. why? it makes us think about these things that we SO take for granted. in many other countries, pollution is so bad one sees nothing much but smog and haze, and sometimes the very sun is blocked out by the pollution. wonderful work man

Posted 14 Years Ago

It is a good day when we have time to enjoy the sky. Relax and allow the mind to wander. A very good poem. You described a beautiful day. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Reminds me of a day I recent spent in Central Park. The clouds were so close, I felt like I cloud be close enough to touch a bird or become one all together. I enjoyed this poem for this reason. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

A wonderful poem from observation. A nice heavenly thought too. Nice work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is so beautiful. Very well written. I imagined the sky and the clouds while reading it. Mkaes me want to go lie in green grass and just look up at the sky:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

nice piece of art! you have beautifully described the sky with clouds that changes it's shape the way we see it, the way we perceive it. great write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

nice poem! flow and rhythm in the poem is really good... so beautifully you have described the clouds! wonderful!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 3, 2010
Last Updated on January 3, 2010


R. L. Igmen
R. L. Igmen

Manila, Philippines

I started writing prose and poems in my early highschool days. and fortunate enough to be a writer/illustrator in our school newspaper that time. I get my inspiration from music, but most of the t.. more..

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