A Poem by daydreamer

Life is meant to be loved not to be wasted in hatred or fear


Hatred, a deep ocean

An emotion

That ripped my soul for years


Painfully unaware

I hated

Everything about you


Desisted every thought

mutilated every tiny nerve

Boiled my blood in vain


Your picture electrocuted

My throbbing brain

Vengeance muzzled my speech


I gasped for breath

As devilish thoughts

Gripped my veins

It took me so long

To realize simple truth

It wasn’t you I hated


Hatred vanished like a mirage

Form my nascent mind

 Freed from bondage that lingered


You were no one else

But, my own reflection

In the mirror of life


You are a fellow human

In flesh and blood

Nationality, creed and color


Doesn’t matter my dear

So long we remain free

From the  bondage


Of Gadgets of fear

Which plunder

Love, friendship and providence.

© 2012 daydreamer

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Thank you Craig for your review. Its an honor to recieve comments from such a talented writer like you:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

A stunning, stirring write... I often wonder how people can cause such pain.. the hate behind their actions... the news is flooded with darkness.. May we all seek a deeper beauty and wonder in the world, and yes, love that bring us finally together.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 28, 2012
Last Updated on September 28, 2012
Tags: hate, love, friendship



Mangalore, karnataka, India

Hi i am Rajesh . I am an Indian Male citizen, residing in small town called Mangalore in Karnataka state. Writing has been my dream i have been nurturing since my childhood. I have a long long way .. more..

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A Story by daydreamer