

A Story by daydreamer

A snap shot from life


December 7th 2012. A bright sunny morning . I am done with the routine chores and  am heading towards the office. The sun is bright and cold breeze is caressing my cheeks as I drive through a surprisingly serene highway. It was surprising as I could hardly find vehicles in the all time busy road. I am happy because I can make up for the time I lost today morning reading the newspaper and sipping hot tea and reach early to the office.

When I was about to cross the bridge I noticed a long queue of vehicles. "Oh! god darn, It was too late to take a detour." I was cursing myself for having put myself in this agony. Had I left fifteen minutes early I would have cruised through to my office. Impatience was ruling every single driver's mind. I could see people swearing at one another. It was like we were in a battle arena. The most fortunate part is that we did not possess missiles and grenades. Thank god for that.

I was praying to god. "Oh! cant you provide me one day where I can drive peacefully to the office and back?". An auto came to a grinding halt very close to my car. Nothing unusual, as this is a common day to day scene. I was all prepared to give an angry and disgusting look at the auto diver. I lowered my window glass and was about to swear at him for having come so close to my car.

To my pleasant surprise, there was a broad grin on his face. I was puzzled and was left expressionless.

"Hello! sir. Please dont mind I came so close to your car. i know I violated the rules."

"Thank god you realized that. Tell me who is not in a hurry?"

"I mean what I say sir."

"Where to are you heading?"

"Hospital sir." His grin never faded. my temper had calmed down.

"what for?"

"Sir to earn my life for today."

"You mean, earn your living for today." I asked him patting myself for greater linguistic skill than his.

"No sir, earn my life today. I meant what I said."

"Are you teasing me? What do you mean?"

"No sir. You are a stranger to me. I need not tell you the truth. But we are all born as strangers sir."

"Come on man. Answer to the point. No one has time to listen to nonsense. I would rather listen to music than your chatter."

He started laughing loudly. My face was turning red with anger.

" sir, dont get me wrong. I am not a learned man. But, I know this much that i am going to get my chemo therapy and I am going to bargain for my life. I have seen you work there."

"What for chemotherapy?''

"I am suffering from something called Lymphoma sir. you will be wondering sir, How am I driving the auto when I ought to be at home. But poverty forces us to find enough courage and inner strength. I realized how important every minute and month is sir. So am I wrong in saying that I am going to buy my life via the expensive medicines sir? good day sir." this youngster may be in his mid twenties taught me the lesson of my life time. I was dumb for a long time till I was forced to start my car by the impatient driver behind me. I drove on but this time calm and with a smile on my face to every person I met. 

© 2012 daydreamer

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Added on December 8, 2012
Last Updated on December 8, 2012



Mangalore, karnataka, India

Hi i am Rajesh . I am an Indian Male citizen, residing in small town called Mangalore in Karnataka state. Writing has been my dream i have been nurturing since my childhood. I have a long long way .. more..
