A Day In The Office

A Day In The Office

A Story by daydreamer

I wrote this after I was extremely hurt today


I enter the office on December 8th early morning at 9:00 a.m. I ushered a sigh of relief that I could just make it in time. It was 9:01 in the Biometric machine when I swiped the card. I climbed the uphill stare-case from the basement. Ninety seven steps to climb I guess. With aching legs and gasping breath i barely managed to crawl onto my chair when I heard my colleague Usha usher in to the ears of Savitha "The great lord, his majesty has arrived. Donno what this guy thinks of himself Savitha. I wonder why he is always late to the office?"

"He is a lazy bum. Cant get up early from the bed. May be he has to serve his wife bed tea and breakfast.'' A sarcastic laughter and everything went silent.

"Good morning ladies." I ushered holding onto my tables. How do I let them know that I have to commute double the distance of what they have to, and being a lower middle class guy with a hand to mouth income I can barely manage my local bus expenses. I do not possess the luxuries they own. But, it hurts when they taunt regularly.

My mobile started buzzing. "Sorry ladies I have to attend the phone."

"Look at the Lord. He is the only busy person in this world. Leave him alone. tell me about your travel plans. where to you are heading this weekend. I liked Mr. Forester's package." Their conversation dulled down as I heard the voice of my boss on the phone.

"Where are you Mr.Tushar? What happened to the field estimate that i asked for? Did you go to the field?"

"No sir. But that is not my job. I am the Manager. You can ask Usha or Savitha. Dont I have even a whiff of self respect?" I wanted to shout in to the ears of my boss. Instead I told "Yes boss. I will be there in a minute and I will mail you the entire estimate."

"Ladies, boss has asked me to go to the field visit. I shall take leave."

"Stop manager. Who will edit all the transaction bills of yesterday? Do it and then take leave." Ordered Madamme Savitha trimming her nails, thanks to her pedicure.

"Look madam. My boss has ordered me and I shall follow it." I shouted at the top of my voice.

"Hello mister lower your voice. Dont forget you are speaking to the wife of additional director. Look at him Usha, manner less pervert."

"Yup Savitha I do agree with you. A hen pecked husband too."

"Look madam I was just following the orders of my boss. Why should you feel bad? I never said I wont do the rest of the job." I mellowed down.

"You better mister. Or else there are cases from mental torture to sexual abuse. Besides you are talking to ladies of upper class. Keep your lower class mannerisms to yourself." Usha roared like a tigress ready to pounce.

"Oh my good lord! why the hell then do you come for the job.Just for that salary, I dont think so. It does not match even your weekends pocket money. Perhaps a lady who is in dire need like Sunitha would be fitting into your shoes." I muttered.

"what is that?"Savitha raised her pitch.

"Here sir, Have your cup of coffee. I will look into that auditing job. You go to the field and do your work." A sweet voice broke into my ears. It was Sunitha. A simple yet far qualified compared to her compatriots. She never complained even once. Life is not so bad just like the coffee she gave to me. There was a spring in my steps and I headed to my job.....

© 2012 daydreamer

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thanks craig for your sweet review

Posted 11 Years Ago

Your scene is filled with explosive emotions, and I see it was inspired by a painful day... Truly hope that light has filled you since then. You do weave in a vibrant world through each detail.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2012
Last Updated on December 8, 2012



Mangalore, karnataka, India

Hi i am Rajesh . I am an Indian Male citizen, residing in small town called Mangalore in Karnataka state. Writing has been my dream i have been nurturing since my childhood. I have a long long way .. more..

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A Story by daydreamer