Is this love?

Is this love?

A Poem by daydreamer

A love story turned into a fantasy, but, it could be the experience of mere mortal like us


A feeling so forbidden now

A fruit someone else’s now

A secret never revealed

When the time was ripe


Fear and anxiety of

Loosing you ravaged me

Unsure about the feelings those

Held me spell bound


I remained tight lipped

Gulping the bitter toxic elixir

Withholding bravely the typhoon

Of contrasting emotions


A question that tore my soul apart

Was it the ever persistent infatuation?

Or was it Love?

I abandoned the latter.


A folly as I see through

The crystal maze of time

Which showed colours and Pictures so many

That Confusion and chaos prevailed


In the midst of the storm

The forbidden fruit was ripped

Apart from my soul by a

Price who rode on a horse with golden mane


I was relieved for a moment though

Thought that my heart was unburdened

Of those wild emotions

Which kept me on, in the hunt for you.


It was only temporary reprieve

The pain and misery reappeared in new time zone.

After your marriage you reappeared

Chanting princely orders instead of love filled words.


Gone are the days I thought and marched on

Into the war zone, until a golden arrow pierced through my spine.

I lay distraught on the blood-soiled battle field

You came running to me bare foot and held my face.



Why does your heart ache for my misery?

Why do those tears stream down your eyes?

Why does your eyes still long for me?

Why do those lips quiver when you spell my name?


You are residing in a glorious crystal palace

With all the riches and possessions one can name

Why do you still glance back at my memories?

Why did you come back for me in this battle field?


When you came sprinting leaving all inhibitions

Bleeding thousands of arteries in my brain

Be true to yourself, tell me for once

“Is it love, which oozes from your eyes?”


Tell me Oh! My princess

“Is It love that bleeds from your veins?”

A the truth that will break the spell of

Misery and pain- a treasure every lovers gain


My princess just let me know for one last time

Before death snatches away all my gains

“Was it love between us those days?”

That rained happiness and showered joyous moments.


Tell me one last time

Before they set ablaze my remains

Put me out of misery

“Is it love that exists between us?”




© 2012 daydreamer

My Review

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thanks for your sweet reviews:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Epic! This story of unrequited love is well written...heartbreaking to be set ablaze without knowing if the love exists.

"Tell me one last time
Before they set ablaze my remains
Put me out of misery
“Is it love that exists between us?”~ Sad, yet, beautifully conveyed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh I love it! This is just a very well written piece. Each stanza is just captivating. Weaving its whole into something touching and mesmerizing. I can so feel the love and the pain that the narrator is speaking and I've felt like I've been into a place where two people are down, the other bleeding and the other one begging.

Why does your heart ache for my misery?
Why do those tears stream down your eyes?
Why does your eyes still long for me?
Why do those lips quiver when you spell my name?

Will I ever find words to say how beautiful this piece is? I hope I can. And truly, you are a very talented writer. A writer whose piece is to read worthwhile. :) Thank you so much for this very good write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 17, 2012
Last Updated on May 17, 2012



Mangalore, karnataka, India

Hi i am Rajesh . I am an Indian Male citizen, residing in small town called Mangalore in Karnataka state. Writing has been my dream i have been nurturing since my childhood. I have a long long way .. more..

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A Story by daydreamer