

A Story by Rose Elizabeth

depressing as all get out but still...



                Allow me to set the scene: some random town, Oklahoma; the sky is a dark night blue with stars shining and a full moon. A young woman hardly sixteen in a huge winter jacket is holding a small bundle of grey cloth and walking quickly down the road. The road is deserted and the sides are filled with lifeless rundown buildings closed for the night except for one small standing house with a sign reading: Orphanage. The young girl turns toward the house from across the road; she looks both ways before crossing the road and then runs across holding the bundle close to her breast. She ran up the steps and stared at the door for a long time. Eventually she holds out the bundle to reveal a small pudgy little babe; the child is sleeping quietly. A single tear falls down the mother’s cheek. She puts the babe on the small rug reading welcome that covered the cement step that led to the door. She kissed the babe on the forehead and reaches to push the door bell. She runs and for a minute just before she crosses the street and falls into obscurity she takes one last look at her child until she hears the lock jiggle. She runs off into the distance, never to be seen again.
                A small maid sticks her head out the door to look around for another mother that can’t be found then pears down at the now screaming child. With a sigh and smile she reaches down to take the child in her arms. She brings the child to her mother, the head of the orphanage and informs her that another child had been dropped off. The head, busy with paperwork doesn’t even bother to look up and tells the maid to take the child to the baby room and lay her down for the night. The maid follows suit. As she drops the child into one of the three cribs they had a small note flies from the cloth. The maid takes the note and walks to stand in the door way. She lifts her spectacles to read what the letter had to say.
Dear Orphanage Personnel
          I’m very sorry that I must leave yet another child in your care. I myself find it difficult to give her away but I am unable to support this child. My parents kicked me out upon hearing that I was pregnant. For a while the father helped me to take care of myself but after the delivery he mysteriously vanished. It is my greatest wish that you tell my daughter that her mother loved her very much but was unable to care for her. I wish that you would tell her what became of her father and show her this note when she is old enough. Her name is Camron and I love her very much.
                                        The Ever Loving Mother
                The maid gave a sad little smirk and took the letter to be with others of its kind in an old filing cabinet. Yet another child was left parentless to grow in this sagging excuse for a home. They already had two babies and then there were six other children varying in age from 2 to 16. Somehow they would find a way to support one more child. Hopefully.

© 2009 Rose Elizabeth

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I love it. Your descriptions are wonderful. I was there in your story, watching the scene take place. Nice work :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 27, 2009


Rose Elizabeth
Rose Elizabeth


I'm a chocoholic who loves to laze around. Thankfully I'm not fat yet! I suck at grammer and spelling so please don't insult me for it! I love music and movies and I totaly think school is a dra.. more..

trial trial

A Story by Rose Elizabeth

Capture Capture

A Chapter by Rose Elizabeth