Chris : Writing

What Does Sobriety Feel Like?

What Does Sobriety Feel Like?

A Story by Chris

This is a story/poem. I felt the need to write a line down, and I just kept going. I never feel like writing, and I don't do it very often.
Common Sense

Common Sense

A Story by Chris

Full of fire, yet dark and scary/ Rustic steel pipes line the floor asymmetrically/ A room without walls suggest no end to your destin..
A Way Out

A Way Out

A Poem by Chris

It seems to me, a bad place to be/ So why can’t I just see/ That it’s too dark and scary, there’s too much guilt to..
Time Flies

Time Flies

A Poem by Chris

You learn to crawl, and then it’s a rush to walk/ You learn to walk, and then it’s a rush to talk/ You learn to talk, and..