CyberDoll : Writing

A Portrait of Insanity

A Portrait of Insanity

A Poem by CyberDoll

I keep myself busy so I will not have the time to think of you. Hoping as I do this, your image will make its way from my view. My thoughts of you are..
The Breaking of Despair

The Breaking of Despair

A Poem by CyberDoll

It seems an incredible sadness has overtaken my heart. It pokes and prods, leaving me nothing more then empty shards. I want to scream punch and kick,..
Please Hide Me from the Monsters

Please Hide Me from the Monsters

A Poem by CyberDoll

This poem talks about, how we teach our kids how to fear people that are different, through our words and actions. Monsters aren't created by society,..
My Empty World

My Empty World

A Poem by CyberDoll

A poem about how empty and how pointless, my life seems without, my ex by my side.
Do You Remember Our Orchard of Dreams

Do You Remember Our Orchard of Dreams

A Poem by CyberDoll

It's basically about my ex girlfriend and I. And how close we used to be to one another and how we are now no more then strangers and how hurt I am ov..