Shonu : Writing



A Chapter by Shonu

Solitude literally means a state or situation of being alone.I have observed many a times solitude is mistaken to being alone in a sad way. Whenever i..
Random Thoughts on Friendship

Random Thoughts on Friendship

A Story by Shonu

I don't get it. How someone just ends the friendship so casually? isn't it part of friendship to respect each others emotions ? is it so hard to let g..
Write for Joy & Writing is Fun

Write for Joy & Writing is Fun

A Poem by Shonu

Writing seems more complex & bookish for few. But writing has its own happiness and pleasure. Its not complicated ,its just giving words to your inner..
I Wish I Had A Baby

I Wish I Had A Baby

A Poem by Shonu

This poem is an attempt to express the dreams and feelings of a woman who has been longing to be a mother for a long time. Waiting for a miracle to sp..