vima parthan : Writing

How Old Are You? (story)

How Old Are You? (story)

A Story by vima parthan

my story version of how old are you
Herself. Feminism Reborn

Herself. Feminism Reborn

A Story by vima parthan

Herself, a website utterly diverse from what you ought to increasingly read about or leaf through. In that case what does herself converse on and why..
How old are you?

How old are you?

A Poem by vima parthan

I believe this writing of mine talks about that very important thing in life we all ignore giving the reason of age.
Money creates the divergence

Money creates the divergence

A Poem by vima parthan

It's a poem that I believe reflects the helplessness that a person is put into when he has no source of earning and how he then goes on to understand ..