Erika : Writing

Will you stand today?

Will you stand today?

A Poem by Erika

Whose dream are you living?Whose plan will you followWhat will you pursueWhich people will you invest inIf it were completely up to you?But it's not a..


A Poem by Erika

Dagen sloknerKvelden er herVi sier en bønnFor alle som våknerHjelp oss å beHjelp oss å seLa lyset skinneLa håpet vinneD..
Dear man in Tana,

Dear man in Tana,

A Story by Erika

To the man in Tana…funny…I don’t have words. Okay…to the man in Tana who, at the moment, caused a clump to form in my thr..
Dear man with the tumor,

Dear man with the tumor,

A Story by Erika

To the man I have passed by, with feet that turn back when you walk forward, and a tumor almost the size of your face on the side of your neck: I..
Dear fish lady,

Dear fish lady,

A Story by Erika

To the woman with the fish, and the x number of children, and your talk about skirts and clothing you want from us, and today, your talk about &rdqu..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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