Risha : Writing

Acacia the Assassin

Acacia the Assassin

A Story by Risha

Abandoned by her birth parents and brought up by a thief, Acacia's next mission is to assassinate the ruthless Prince Darren.
The Wolves of Mibu

The Wolves of Mibu

A Poem by Risha

Even heroes, can by seen as evil doers in the eyes of others.
Fleeting Life and Courage

Fleeting Life and Courage

A Story by Risha

The final battles of the Shinsengumi, the last samurai.
A Path to Take

A Path to Take

A Poem by Risha

a short little poem about dark choices -I hear two voices in my head, the echoes entrancing my mind-
Fiery Passion

Fiery Passion

A Poem by Risha

Love can be so hot it burns


A Poem by Risha

The title is pretty much sums it up


A Poem by Risha

A short a poem about guess what... jealousy
Vampire's Charm

Vampire's Charm

A Poem by Risha

a sonnet aboout... Vampires
Novaka Murders

Novaka Murders

A Story by Risha

This is a short murder mystery story about the murder of family members of the Novaka Family.
Fairies of Autumn

Fairies of Autumn

A Poem by Risha

a couplet about, well the title says it all.

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