Van Rogue : Writing



A Chapter by Van Rogue

The Angel of Blood struggled against the five werefoxes that pinned him to the cave wall. He almost managed to get free, knocking the werefox hold..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Van Rogue

Valentine could tell that the diamond in Ms Patterson's ring was a fake. He wondered if she knew but bet she didn't. Ms Patterson was young and na..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Van Rogue

The young kangaroo hopped around, finding something to eat, blissfully unaware that it had made a mistake by separating from its group. Hidden b..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Van Rogue

All the blood was beginning to get to Spiro. It was covering every inch of the child's bedroom. Blood was soaked into the carpet, covered all th..