Part 2: Names

Part 2: Names

A Chapter by Aradia

I let out a soft but firm neigh to get the girl's attention. It did the trick, as her head snapped up at the sudden noise. I stood slowly, carefully unfolding my legs, before gesturing for her to follow me. Ghosting through the trees, we followed the same path the two humans took, marked by the upturned soil left behind by the frantic chase. Now that she had the chance to look around, she let her curiosity run free, swiveling her head left and right to better absorb the sights around her. I took this time to take a good look at my companion.

Her golden eyes shone in the dark, a hue not unlike my own. Most certainly odd for a human, but it was possible for her to be a half-breed. She only barely came to the bottom of my shoulder, but her wild curls made up for a few inches. Freckles smattered across her nose, and her face still retained some of her baby fat, rounding out her face with child-like innocence. She wore a loose shirt as one would a dress, dirt staining the rough fabric.

But regardless of her disheveled appearance, she continued marching on beside me, bare feet crunching through the layer of dry pine needles. I noticed her eyes started to droop, and she was starting to stumble a bit. I stopped, and she walked a bit more, before realizing what had happened.

Now slightly more aware of her surroundings, she watched curiously as I walked to her. She gave a yelp of surprise when I lifted her frail frame by the back of her worn shirt, careful not to graze any skin with my sharp teeth, and placed her on my back. She dug her fingers into my mane to keep her balance, then wiggled a bit to get more comfortable. Seeing as she was satisfied, I set off again at a slow walk, in no hurry to get to our destination.

The silence was stifling, and only the muted thumps of my hooves could be heard. The soft sway of my gait eventually lulled her into a soft slumber, and I continued on, mindful of her small shifts.

Humans are frightfully frail creatures. If she fell from my back, she could be horribly injured. After all the effort I put into keeping her alive, it would be most frustrating if she died now.

The moon was nearing the tree tops when I finally reached what I would assume to be the girl's hometown. The lights from taverns shone through the watery panes, sending soft shafts of light across the path. I hid just within the treeline, and searched for a place of easy access and minimal chances of being caught unawares. This task proved to be no small feat, as the streets were littered with drunks stumbling about. But at last I had found the ideal place to abandon my burden.

I took her dirtied shirt into my mouth once more, and set her down on the cold  ground. She stirred a bit before opening her eyes to take in her surroundings. With her dazed eyes, she quickly took stock of the situation. Now fully aware, she bolted up from the ground to cling to my leg.

Her slight weight would not pose a problem if I were in dire need of escape, but it was still irksome that she had the gall to touch me. I shook her off to remind her of her place. This is the second favor I've done for this human! Is she not grateful?!

With this in mind, I walked off, hooves clopping against the packed dirt. She followed, keeping close to my side. Quite persistent, this one. I suppose if this goes long enough, she'll tire and leave me be.


It's been hours since we've entered the village, and dawn is almost upon us. I long to rest my aching hooves, for the uneven dirt had taken its toll. I suppose it would be wise to change to a less...... Conspicuous form. I focused my magic to my core, and slowly, my equestrian form morphed into a humanlike one. Sharp teeth still remained, and vaguely pointed ears hinted at my Fae origin, but I would lead to far less suspicion like this.

I looked over to the girl next to me. Formerly dead on her feet, she now looked at me in amazement. It seems she is still trying to process that the horse was a human the whole time. It was slightly amusing to see her confusion written on her face clear as day. She's like an open book.

A draft came down the alley, and I was suddenly aware of how naked I am. All skin and no hair to keep warm. I had forgotten that this was the reason humans wear clothing. Being a human is more troublesome than I thought. Now I must somehow procure a set of clothes suitable for wear.

I decided to take the risk, and went in the open in search for my needs. I have no fear of being called perverse, for I have no reputation to tarnish. Of course, my only fear is being recognized for what I am. Though I may be the superior being, I am far outnumbered, and am in unfamiliar territory. Also taking into account that my strength had diminished given the distance from my home water source, and we have a recipe for disaster.

We walked a fair amount until we came across a church. In all its grandeur, the faith still cannot protect its people from the likes of me. I walked through the tall doors, and looked for the donations table.

The disapproving stares of the Angels bore through me, and I could see the morning sun filtering through the stained glass. Luckily the donations weren't that hard to find, as they were placed near the entrance for easy access. Digging through the mountain of clothes, I finally found a rough pair of plain brown pants that would fit me, and a worn cream shirt with a wide neck and three-quarter length sleeves. I had to forgo socks and shoes to keep up appearances as a homeless villager, but I suppose safety is better than luxury.

A thud of heavy wood came from behind me and the girl. She had dozed off during my search, but now stood at attention. We looked for the origin of the sound, and found the priest looking back at us, obviously startled by our presence. His eyes traveled up my form, until they finally settled on my eyes. The ears were hidden behind my long raven locks, but I could not hide my golden eyes.

His eyes widened, and he became further frenzied when he saw my small companion hiding behind me. He shook, but came toward us with a determined stride. Emboldened by my lack of aggression, he stopped just a few steps away from me.

I reached out for more articles of clothing from the pile for the girl. If this was a villager's reaction to me, who is quite obviously a wolf in sheep's clothing, then I can assume that she receives similar treatment. I heard an intake of breath before the man finally spoke.

"How dare you enter this house of God, demon? Have you no respect for the lord?!" Hazel eyes glared at me, and his tone spoke that he would much rather torch me on a stick than greet me in any way.

"Your god has no say in what I may or may not do. And a god with no authority shall demand no respect from me." I will have to cut this short. I did not plan for any hostile encounters.

"Don't play coy! State your purpose for coming to this holy residence!" My voice lowered with almost tangible frost.

”A weak human such as yourself would be wise to address your superiors accordingly. I owe you nothing, and would sooner eat your mother than bow down to the likes of you. All you need to do is accept my gracious gift.”

"That devil spawn is not welcome here!" Ah. So it seems my suspicions were correct. “Take her away and we will be more than happy of the riddance. Perhaps you can even accept her as payment for the safety of our children?”

I snarled."Absolutely not! I refuse to take sacrifices. I will take what's rightfully mine rather than have it offered to me. Furthermore, one girl is not nearly enough compared to all the foolish children who reside in this puny gathering you call a village." The priest truly looked to be at a loss now. He had hoped for a favorable deal, but was now grasping at straws.

"Then....on what terms will you accept?! Human flesh is all that you desire, so we have nothing more to offer you than-" He was desperate now, and his will was caving under my intimidation. I looked at him in disgust.

"You are incorrigible. Despicable! How do you suppose this fate came upon you all?!" He looked at me in confusion. "I was born no demon. As a sacrifice, I am forced to bear the weight of your sins. And now it's time to pay. I do not accept your terms." I spun on my heel, clutching the small girl's hand in my own as I marched out the door and down the stone steps.

Indeed, the sun had risen, and brought with it the stirring of people, preparing for a day's’ work. We would have to go back across town to get to the forest, and it would have to be on foot. I set off at a brisk pace, dragging the girl behind me. I felt self-conscious at the scornful glares directed at us, but continued on, occasionally returning fire with my own baleful glare.

They made no indication that they would act upon their silent threats, but I had seen firsthand just how dangerous their contempt is. We walked in silence, the girl's labored breathing loud to my ears.

The sun had risen a fair amount more since we had set off again, and there were now several stores open for business. I stopped to give the girl some respite, and strolled over to one of the stores. Fortunately, it was a grocer's. The human girl must be starving by now. I had forgotten that she must eat food regularly to survive.

I inspected a mound of apples, and swiped the ripest ones I could see. Nonchalantly, I continued searching for something to add to the girl’s meal. Hard lumps of bread were gathered in a basket in the corner, and I grabbed only one of those. Harder to chew than gristle, that is. I snatched a stalk of celery on my way out, hiding the stolen items from unwanted eyes.

The girl seemed to have recovered, but was pressed against the wall like a caged animal, eyeing the crowded street with distrust. I walked past her, trusting she would come after me. I handed her one of the apples I had gotten, and watched as her eyes practically sparkled at the fruit. She gobbled it up like she hasn't eaten a thing in a week, and it saddened me that that might be the truth. I will take her away from this wretched place, and bring her to where she belongs. I cleared my throat to gain her attention.

"Do you by chance have a name?" She shook her head in response, eyes glued to the ground. The silence started to grow awkward, so I started again. "Would one?" Her head shot up at this.

"Yes!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Alright then. Would you like to name yourself? It's quite inconvenient addressing you as 'girl.'" She hesitated for a moment before shaking her head no.

"You would like.....for me to name you?" Again, a nod. "Alright. Your new name is Aileen." She grinned at me, happiness exuding from her very being.

"Do you have a name, mister?" I smiled at her, a little melancholic.

"No; not anymore. I lost it." She looked horrified that I had no name either. I decided to humor her a bit, and let her return the favor. "Would you like to name me?"

"Can I?!"

"Of course. It's only fair."

"Alright...Lachlan! Your name is now Lachlan." She looked immensely proud at her choice of naming, and I couldn't help but admire her glow of self-satisfaction. I do suppose it's a rather fitting name for one such as myself. So now I am Lachlan.

© 2017 Aradia

Author's Note

Advice on the dialogue? I'm unsure if it was realistic enough....

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114


Added on January 15, 2017
Last Updated on January 15, 2017



Portland, OR

Odd, weird, quirky, and eccentric all describe me. I'm not going to bore you, so if you're really interested, please visit one of my other personal sites for more information. Thank you. more..

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Aradia

Part 1: Pinecones Part 1: Pinecones

A Chapter by Aradia

Part 3: Questions Part 3: Questions

A Chapter by Aradia