Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by ShowtunesGiraffe

As my head hit the cold liquid, the laws of gravity seemed to disappear. I was falling, but falling up, and the world was spinning around me. Just as everything familiar seemed to go away forever, my sight went black.
I don't know how long I blacked out, but when I awoke I was standing on a smooth stone ground. Fog clouded my feet, and my clothing, though still tattered was no longer dirty. My skin was clean too, and my body felt healthy and refreshed. I raised my eyes and saw the most glorious sight I had ever seen.
At the top of a huge stone throne sat a tanned, muscular man with beautiful blonde hair falling to his shoulders- Sorol. Next to him sat Alunasa, with her long gown and silky black hair, and Guamar with light brown skin and a flowing blue robe like the sea. On either side of them was Ventesi, with curly brown hair and Otero with his chocolate brown skin. Beautiful rainforest trees and flowers surrounded the area. Birds sang in the distance. I fell to my knees in awe of standing right before the gods I had prayed to all my life.
"Oh, sweet gods!" I gasped, clutching my heart in adoration. Better to worship a bit before asking them to spare my life.
"Rise, child." boomed Sorol. I shakily rose to my feet.
"You were supposed to die." he said. "And now you are here, to appeal to us about sparing your life?"
"You see," I started. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. Little Valiansa, the meek servant girl who always did what she was told, arguing with the gods?? You'd think me crazy. I wondered if I was. "My parents died for the mistake my father made, and I was to die too. Is that not unfair?"
"It is what must be done." stated Guamar firmly. 
"But why? My father stole from the offering before I was alive. He was starving, too! He had no other way to get food. And now I must pay for the mistake my father, a man I never knew, made. All because I was his child and not another's. Something I could never control."
"What your father did was unforgivable!" Otero said. His voice was as deep as the soil.
"He was starving!" Oh dear. I really am crazy, I thought.
"Silence!" Sorol shouted, and all was quiet. I expected him to send a flaming ball at me, but he only looked upon me thoughtfully. "Very well." he said.
My heart leaped, and I couldn't help but smile. "Really? I'm free? I don't have to die?"
"No! That is not what I meant. We shall send you on a quest." 
My heart began to sink again. "What quest?"
"You will go and suck the nectar from a flower at the top of Wanae Mountain. The flowers there can save anyone who is in danger of dying." Sorol explained.
Wanae Mountain? Oh, no. "But Wanae Mountain, that's in Swaya, the land of the Unknown!" Swaya was in the Land of the Gods, and legends told of confusing, deadly terrain that even the gods didn't go to.
"Yes." Sorol seemed unfazed by the thought of a crazy, dangerous land.
"But, in the legends- they said even the gods dare not go there! How can I do something a god cannot?" I cried.
"Oh, we know how to go there without being destroyed forever." Ventesi piped up. Her voice was light and beautiful. "It's just.... inconvenient. Any mortal traveling there could very easily die, but they can figure out how to survive if only they are strong and intelligent. If you are worth saving, you can survive the Swaya. If not, you and Joyaska will be destroyed."
"Me and Joyaska? Please, don't destroy Joyaska!" I cried. My promise to the old woman would be broken.
"Don't argue, child, or we'll reconsider sparing you." Alunasa said, her almond shaped eyes glaring. I decided that would be best, though I had no idea how I'd brave Swaya.
"To be fair, we will give you some assistance." Sorol announced. He snapped his fingers and a boy with tanned skin and blond hair like Sorol's appeared, though this boy's hair was short and slightly messy. He was much thinner than the muscular god as well. He looked confused.
"This is Tobeke, one of our stars. Tobeke, you will help this girl in her journey accross Swaya." Sorol said. The star's face crinkled in concern. 
"But father, Swaya is incredibly dangerous and-" he tried.
"Enough!" And with a wave of his finger, the world dissolved into light around me and the star, and our journey began.

© 2015 ShowtunesGiraffe

My Review

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I have to say I loved this chapter it is exciting. the plot here is really moving and I cant wait for the adventure to begin. I love that your character is learning to stand up for herself and I am excited to see what she becomes in the end. I also cant wait to find out more about her help.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I can't wait for the next chapter. This is such an incredible story. It's creepy that the liquid is cold since it is on a fire. Is it supposed to be that way or did you not notice that? This is a great chapter overall and I can't wait for more!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

It is supposed to be cold.

9 Years Ago

Okay, I was just making sure.

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2 Reviews
Added on May 19, 2015
Last Updated on May 19, 2015
Tags: adventure, mythology, quest



The Great Wide Somewhere

I am a theater girl! My writing may be a variety of things, including novels, poetry or just plain silliness! more..
