11:11 I love you

11:11 I love you

A Poem by Starbound25

the day I lost my husband


On 11/11 at 11 am you called to me
with fear in your voice and a pain in your head
strength was turning to weakness
as your body attacked you
your insides in pain
try to stay calm babe try just to breath
like a movie I watch
paramedics and ambulances
doctors and nurses scurry about
no answers
surreal as I sit near a hospital bed
holding your hand
talking to you
hoping you can hear me
please hear me say
“you come back to me ok”
I watch machines breath for you
machines do everything for you
I feel as helpless as you look
A chaplain says peaceful words
as I dont understand what is happening
I feel you cross over at 11pm
I feel my soul lift with yours
I hold your hand
as you take your last guttural breath
dont know how to walk away from you
kiss your head
kiss you lips
ask for your wedding ring
tears that never end
husband for always
love always wifey
11/11 I love you more

© 2009 Starbound25

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11:11 is the code for "soulmates." FYI

This really got to me. I've recently gotten married within the last decade, and it's rather late in life, so this poem really resonates with me. I've seen my share of death in my life; even the death of a child, and one lover, but an actual spouse of a number of years, not yet...

So this sort of gives me a little glimpse into the future...

Thank you for that ...

S. Mercury

Posted 1 Year Ago

that's sweet and sad, love the 11:11 idea and you used it well, it's unique which I really like cause it's so rare.

Posted 5 Years Ago

What a sad story and I am sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace and may good luck be brought to you :)
I am sorry to hear of this unfortunate event.

Posted 6 Years Ago

i'm sorry for your loss..
may he rest in peace...11:11..

Posted 8 Years Ago

i loved your poem.the words you used were incredible.i am sorry for your loss.but actually my birthday is on 11th of november

Posted 9 Years Ago

I'm in awe of your writing. Hauntingly beautiful. I've dealt with a loss of a parent back in 2009. The pain never leaves but I've find reading poetry and writing help me as I'm sure it does with you as well. Thank you for allowing your heart to show in writing. - Jen

Posted 10 Years Ago

Again, very powerful. Again, thank you for sharing your soul~~ pat

Posted 12 Years Ago

I am desperately sorry for your loss. I won't say that I understand, because everyone handles things differently. I will just say to remember the greatest times. Treasure them. Protect them. Let yourself be angry. Let yourself be sad. Let yourself be happy. Any emotion you feel is OKAY, and you need not have anyone validate them.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Im so sorry. This is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing.
One small grammar issue: 17th last line: breathe*

Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm sorry for your loss, but your love is undying and I'm sure your husband knows it too. Especially if he had read this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 27, 2009
Last Updated on December 27, 2009
Tags: death, love, grief, grieving, husband, wife, eternal, forever, loss, pain




I've been writing almost all my life, poetry and stories have been how I get my emotions out. I love words and visual writing. I have always wanted my profession to be as a writer, a published autho.. more..

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