Every One Wants A Boyfriend

Every One Wants A Boyfriend

A Chapter by Elizabeth Cole


Chapter two

Every One Wants A Boyfriend



We decided that this weekend we are going to camping. It is Thursday- we leave to go camping tomorrow. So I really need to start packing! I carefully consider what I should pack.  It is not supposed to be too cold. I pack jeans, and, of course, very stylish long sleeved shirts. I also pack a hoodie, a jean jacket, boots, and my high top converse.  Oh, and my fuzzy socks. I decide to use my bright pink suitcase. Yeah, I know I am spoiled rotten. It is not like I can help it. Then again. . .


Everyone meets at Trey’s house, because we are taking his gray Hummer. We load up our stuff into Trey's Hummer.  Now, wouldn’t you know it, there is the controversy over who is sitting where. Finally situated, Trey is driving, Trevor is in the passenger seat; Natalie, Sierra, and Parker are all squashed in the very back seat; and in the back, but not very back, are Raylie, Mist, and I. All of a sudden, I notice Trey is not going the right way.


            Oh. He's going to Jaysson's house. Why in the world is he going to Jaysson's house?!


            "Trey, what are we doing?" I ask.


            "Oh, you'll see!" He answers.


            “Don’t tell me Jaysson is coming too.”  But instead of answering my question, Trey just grinned.


He honks the horn and Jaysson comes out of the house. He throws his stuff in the trunk and hops in next to me. Now things are really getting squashed! Trey starts the Hummer and takes off. Have I ever mentioned Trey is a very crazy driver?  


Hard rock music was turned all the way up. We were going five miles above the speed limit, and there was, luckily, there was no traffic. After an hour and a half, we arrived at the campsite.  At this campsite, there were riding trails for horses, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers. I had not before mentioned that we brought Trey’s four-wheeler and Jaysson’s two horses in a trailer. There was also a rental place. We were planning on using those trails.



First, we set up the tents. The girls were all sharing a tent and the guys were all sharing a tent. Tents are very complicated! We finally got the tents set up and all our suitcases in the tents. Trey was dying to check out the trails with his new four-wheeler, and I was dying to ride. So we both rode his four-wheeler, together. Of course, he, being the show-off that he is, went extremely fast. But I have to admit, it was fun! When we got back, the others also had just gotten back, but not from riding the trails. They got back from gathering fire wood.


 We made a nice big campfire and roasted hotdogs for dinner. We had brought cheese and mustard and ketchup to put on the hotdogs. I have to admit they (the hotdogs) were pretty good. Then we made smores. I love smores! Obviously, so does Trey. He had six smores, plus half of my third one. I pretty much had two and a half.


We all went to bed. I was glad that I would actually get to sleep in for once. I never get to sleep in! Between the three of my brothers that live with us, they make sure I don’t sleep in on weekends. Despite the hardness of sleeping on the ground and in a tent, I soon was fast asleep.


“Aaah!”  I woke up to the sound of girls shrieking, and was obviously startled. The whole tent was shaking, or rather, being shook. Raylie, Parker, Sierra, and Mist were screaming.  All of the sudden the tent toppled down on top of us. I heard laughing. Wouldn’t you know it, the laughing came from Jaysson and Trey. I climbed out the heaping mess of what used to be the tent and glared at the two of them, making them laugh even harder.  So much for sleeping in.


We all ate a quick breakfast, Trey had, yeah, you guessed it, smores; three and a half to be exact. After breakfast, we went fishing. I do not really like fishing, to be honest fish that are not dead and on my plate totally gross me out. Oh well. Trevor caught the biggest fish, a cat fish. We kept all the cat fish that we caught and put them in the ice box to save them for dinner. Mist does not like to eat fish. She will probably eat more hotdogs.


For lunch, we all made sandwiches. Jaysson had a funny look on his face. I followed his gaze to see what was so amusing. It was Trey. He was making his sandwich. It had peanut butter on one slice of bread, and on the other he was putting marshmallow cream.


Raylie saw it, too. “Eew, “she said. “Trey, that looks disgusting, how do you eat that?”


“What, you’ve never had a peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwich?


“No way!” she said.


“Really? You should try some, it’s really good.”


Curiosity got the better of me. “Let me try some,” I said to Trey, snatching his sandwich. I took a bite. “Hey,” I said, “this is actually pretty good.” Pretty soon, everyone was making peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.


Then we went to the rental place.  We rented three four-wheelers. There were an odd number of people, so some had to ride double. Mist and Natalie both rode a rental four-wheeler together; Parker and Raylie road on a rental four-wheeler together; and Trevor and Sierra rode a rental four-wheeler together. Of course, Trey rode on his own four-wheeler. Jaysson rode his dark brown horse, Rider, whom Jaysson is training to be a race horse, and I got to ride Jaysson’s horse, Dixie, by myself. Dixie is a Palomino mare and a barrel-racing horse.


So we rode the trails. And we had a blast doing that! Dixie was going at a full speed gallop, as was Jaysson’s horse, Rider. The four-wheelers were at top speed. We raced through the trees, faster and faster. I was riding Dixie racing-style. The wind in my hair, I raced on.


All of the sudden, Dixie got spooked. She stopped suddenly and started bucking, I held on as tight as I could, and tried to get her under control, with little success.  The others had stopped their four-wheelers; Jaysson was off Rider and trying to calm Dixie down. Trey was soon there to help. Coming from a Tennessee horse farm, Trey was an expert in horse area. Though they tried hard, Dixie would not calm down. I found myself flying through the air. Then, everything went black.


I heard Trey’s amazing voice, “Jaquie? Jaquie!”


Then I heard Jaysson’s voice, the sarcasm that was usually there was now completely gone. “Oh, Jaquie, I’m so sorry! This is all my fault! I should never have let you ride Dixie!”  Jaysson helped me up. I leaned on him for support while my head cleared.


“Chillax, guys, I’m okay.”


“Gosh, Jaquie, gimme a heart attack, why don’t you!” By the sound of her voice I could tell that Raylie was very worried. “Are you okay?” Her voice had barely calmed down a little.


“Aw! That hurts!”


“You all right, Jaquie?” asked Natalie.


“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. But, man, I’m gonna be sore!”


I was feeling really dizzy. I leaned back onto Jaysson for support. I could not see out of my right eye.  Everyone was giving me really weird looks, panicky, scared, worried looks.


“You guys, I’m fine! Really!”


“Um, Jaquelyne-“ Trey started.


“What? Why are you staring at me like that?”


Trevor spoke up, “That doesn’t look too good.”


“I think we need to get you to the hospital,” said Natalie.


“Yeah,” said Mist and Parker in unison.


“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked. My voice had an unusual stutter that was not normally there, and was a little slower than usual.


“Well, uh, your head- well it’s- um… I think you hit it a little hard…” Sierra answered.


“What do you mean?” I asked. My hand fluttered to my head. When I pulled it away, there was blood. I groaned.


Jaysson sighed. “Time to go” he said.



Trey, Jaysson, and Raylie were all coming to the hospital with me. Everyone else was going to wait for us at the camp. I climbed into the passenger seat, and Raylie and Jaysson sat in the back. Trey drove since it was his car. The hospital wasn’t too far, only about fifteen or so minutes away. When we arrived at the hospital, Jaysson went in to check me in and fill out forms and stuff like that, while Trey and Raylie escorted me into the emergency room.


“I’ve been in hear before.” I said matter-of-factly, breaking the silence. “Why is it always me that gets hurt?”


“Hmm. Well, maybe because you’re, umm, let me think. Accident-prone.” Jaysson, who had just walked into the room, answered in the same tone of voice I had used.


“Very funny,” I said rather flatly


 “I don’t find any thing funny about this situation.”


Confused, I looked over at the door. Standing there was my brother, Jake.


“Jake?! What are you doing here?”


 “Um, I work here. What I want to know is what you’re doing here.”


I sighed. Why was Jake, of all people, my doctor?


Jake sighed. “All right,” he said, “Let’s see what you’ve done to yourself this time.”


Jake began looking at my head, which was now bleeding profusely. He sighed again and cleaned it up. He studied it again.


“You need stitches,” he said. “and then I’m gonna call your mother. After that I—“


“She’s your mother, too,” I mumbled. He frowned at me and gave me a look that said, do not do that again. 


“As I was saying, After that we need to take a look at your eyes.”


“My eyes?” I asked.


“Yeah, it’s your right eye. Can’t see out of it very well, right?”


I raised an eyebrow, impressed. “Yeah, but –Hey, how’d you know that?”


He half-smiled and shrugged. “It’s simple, really. I can tell by the way your eyes look,” he said, “When I look close enough I can tell if there’s something wrong, if they look foggy, which the right one does. I can also tell by the way your eyes are looking in two different directions.”


“I didn’t know you were an eye doctor, too.” I said, sarcastically.


 “Cool it,” he said, his cool blue eyes sending me a warning.


He went ahead and the stitches out of the way, and then to call Mom.


“Answering machine picked up,” he mumbled when he got back.


Jake got a light and shined it in one eye, then the next. Then he blinked it on and off, in front of one eye, then the next. He looked startled for a moment, and then blinked again in from of my right eye. The bright light did not faze me. But then when he shined it in my left eye I squinted.


“Now that’s interesting,” he said, squinting so that he could concentrate better. “Close your left eye,” he said, “How many fingers am I holding up?”


“Uh, four?”


“Nice try. One.”


I groaned. “Are you serious?”


“Yeah.” He said with a sigh.




He ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled loudly. Then he left the room and soon returned with another doctor, who looked a little older than Jake. The other doctor took a look at my eyes, and basically did the same thing my brother did.


“Yeah, she’ll need surgery on that,” the doctor said.


“Alright then, schedule a surgery for tomorrow morning, seven o’ clock.”


So at seven o’ clock, the surgery was performed. It was a rather quick surgery and, thanks to the medications, I woke up at about eight fifteen.  I looked in the mirror and checked out my stitches. They were pretty crazy.  The stitches started at the middle of my forehead, across my right eye and ended on the middle of my cheek. I obviously could not open my right eye.


Jake walked in. “How are you?”


“Sore, from falling off that horse. And these are the craziest stitches I’ve had, yet!”  I have had stitches twenty-one times in the last five years, not to mention the stitches I have had before that.


My older brother looked amused and smiled at my comment. I did not find it that funny. My brother Chad walked in.


“Hey, good to see you,” he said to Jake.


“Oh, thanks,” I said.


Both brothers ignored me. Their used to me saying that kind of thing. I was so glad to leave the hospital, although I will admit that I was glad to see Jake. I can not stand being in hospitals, even though I have practically grown up in them. I will admit that I am a little accident-prone; well, okay, maybe a lot.


It was about a thirty-five minute drive back to home. I pretty much talked to Raylie on my cell-phone the whole ride there. I have a pink Razor phone; and Raylie has a silver Crazor.


When I got home, my little brothers were fascinated at my incredible stitches.


“Whoa!” Joshua exclaimed.


“Sweet!” Brock added.


“What’d you do this time, run into a door?” That, of course, was Zackarie.


I explained quickly to my brothers what happened. They were all intrigued and wanted exact details, so I exaggerated a little; okay, okay, I exaggerated a lot. So I finished telling my story and then finished the homework that I still had left to do


 I had to go back to the hospital and get the stitches removed. Jake told me that there was nothing else they could do for my eye; that my right eye was totally blind. Oh well. I had a pretty hott scar. It was clearly visible, and would never completely go away, but still, it was a hott scar. (a scar that that added spark and character to myself; kinda like Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars, Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith (if you have seen that movie you probably know what I mean.) )


I picked out my clothes carefully. I had to go back to school the next day. I chose my tight jeans from Aeropostle and an olive green shirt with pink flowers from American Eagle. I switched out my backpack to my messenger bag which I had recently covered in duct tape. I set my alarm for 6:05. Why does school have to start at 7:30? It is absolutely crazy!


I sat up suddenly. My alarm clock was blaring and it said 6:30. I jumped out of bed. I was going to try to be early, at least just this once. I got ready fifteen minutes faster than normal. And guess what. I was in class by 7:31. Early? Yeah, right. Everyone was, well, fascinated by my scar, I guess you could say. Everyone tried to act like they did not notice, but Beachside High does not have very good actors.


That night there was a football game. We, of course won easily. Since my car had broken down on the way to the football game and was now in the shop getting fixed, Trey offered me a ride home. We stopped by Sonic to get some slushies, and Trey said he was paying. Before he pulled out of the drive in he started to ask me something.



"I - umm.  Will you-?" He began.


            "Will I what, Trey?"


Trey exhales. "Will you, um, do you want to go – with-? Uh, I mean- the game, Saturday, I was wondering, well you know, you and me?” The song on the radio was Beautiful Soul, by Jesse McCartney. How appropriate.


            I inhale deeply before answering, carefully considering my answer. "Yeah," I say after a short pause.




            "Yes. I will." I say with a smile. Trey smiles back.


            “So I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty?”


            “Seven-thirty.”  By now, we are both grinning from ear to ear.


            I drop him off at his house and as soon as he was in his house I pull out my cell phone to call Raylie.






            "Guess what."




            "Trey just asked me out."


            "Oh my goodness are you kidding me? I always new you two were perfect! Aww! You did say yes, didn't you?"


            "Yeah, I said yes!"


            “Oh my gosh!”


            “I know! Isn’t it exciting?”


            "That is awesome!  You’ve liked him for quite a while, now. I could tell you guys would go out. But hey, good for you! Hey, listen I would love to talk, but I got a ton of homework. Can I talk to you tomorrow?"


            "Yeah, sure. Bye!"




            As soon as I got home I went into my room and collapsed on my bed. Trey asked me out! Finally! It's about time! I have a boyfriend!

© 2008 Elizabeth Cole

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Added on February 14, 2008


Elizabeth Cole
Elizabeth Cole


hey! i totally luv Jesus and writing is my passion. or atleast one of them -lol-. most of my buds are writers also. (Jay Sslin, Kris B, Lauren) i am mostly best at modern day writing, and Kris B had t.. more..

You You

A Poem by Elizabeth Cole