

A Chapter by Elizabeth Cole


Chapter five



By now, I was hoping (and praying) that my mom (or any one else, for that matter) had called the police. I listened hard as I could for a siren. But, to my dismay, there was nothing but the gruff voice of my kidnapper. I could not hear what he was saying, but I knew he was saying something.




Mean While…




Trey was in his room, emailing Jaquie about how sorry he was. He had been doing do since he had finished off both homework and dinner. He had tried calling her, but she would not answer her cell phone.  It was late, and he was tired. But he felt bad. He just had to make it up to her. Trey knew that Jaquie deserved way more than he could give her.  He looked at the clock programmed into his computer. It was thirty minutes past midnight.


Suddenly, Trey’s Blackberry cell phone rang. He answered it. “Hello?”


“If you ever want to see your girlfriend again, leave ten thousand dollars in a paper sack and hide it in a plant in front of the Salinas Green Hotel. The money better be there by six ‘o clock a.m.”  The voice on the other line hung up. 


Trey was scared. He decided it would be a good idea to call Jaquie’s mom. It was answered before the first full ring.


“Hello?” the voice on the other line belonged to Jaquie’s brother Chad.


Chad! I think I can help you find Jaquelyne.”


“Come over right away!” Then Chad hung up the phone.


Trey quickly snuck downstairs. His dad was up and looked up from his position in front of the TV.


“What are you doing, son?” he asked.


“Dad, it’s Jaquie. She’s been kidnapped, Dad. I’ve got to get over to her house right now her family is so worried. I’ve got to help Dad. This is my fault.” The edge in his voice let his dad know that this was serious.


Trey’s father detected the urgency in his son’s voice. “Alright I’ll come, too. They’re gonna need all the help they can get.”


They arrived at the Bordeaux house in five minutes. When they got there, the oldest Bordeaux sibling, Jake, opened the door. Inside there was a police man and a detective. They immediately started questioning Trey, who told them about the phone call.


“Can you trace it?” Trey asked.


“Most likely. We might have to take your phone down to the station to do it, though.” The detective said.


“Okay. Anything to help.”


“We advise you not to pay the money.” The police man said.


“What do you mean not pay it?! What about Jaquie?” Trey was getting angry.


“There is no clarification that the kidnapper will give her back unharmed.”


Everyone was extremely worried. There were police men all over the state looking for Jaquelyne. Now they had estimation as to the area she was in. According to the phone call, which was traced to a pay phone, that destination was somewhere around Salinas, California.




Back in Jaquie’s Situation…




I heard silence. Then there was the sound of a door closing, a garage door opening, and a car starting.  I kept listening until the sound of the motor was down the street.  I was hoping that that meant he was gone.


I tried to make things out in the stuffy, dark closet. But when you are blind in one eye and it is dark enough as it is, that is about ten times harder than it sounds. I finally managed to find the door, which, as I had assumed, was locked.  I slammed all of my weight against it, but the door only moved an inch or so. There must be something blocking it. I kept slamming into the door, over and over again, until the door was open just enough for me to squeeze out of the closet.


 I carefully walked through the house until I found the front door. After checking through the window to make sure no one was coming from outside, I opened the door and ran out. I ran as fast as I could. I had no clue which way to go, since on the way there I was stuck in the trunk.


I ran until I saw a gas station with the flashing lights of a police car in the parking lot. The gas station was still a ways off. It was just near enough to see. Feeling excited and relieved, I ran across the street, without looking. Big mistake. The red Hummer that my kidnapper was driving smashed right into me. No doubt it was intentional, because the Hummer backed up over me and ran me over again. Tears came to eyes as I was rolled under the car. There was intense pain in more than one place. For some reason it was incredibly difficult to breathe. I knew I needed to stay both calm and awake; but that was next to impossible.


About an hour later, I finally heard the sirens. A police man was soon at kneeling down beside the place where I lay.


“It’s gonna be alright. Your okay. The ambulance is coming; it’s on its way right now. Talk to me. What’s your name?”


Barely breathing, I answered, “Jaq…uelyne… Bor…deaux.” I finally managed.


“Alright Jaquelyne, how old are you? What school do you go to and what grade?”


Talking was the last thing I wanted to do. It hurt to talk, to breathe, to move. I had had no sleep for a long time. I had not eaten anything since breakfast on Friday morning. (I skip lunch sometimes, bad idea, I know.) Despite all of this, I still answered.


“Eight…teen. I go…I go to…Beachside…High…Twelfth…grade”


“Okay, Jaquelyne. Where do you live? What’s your phone number?”  The police man got no answer.  “Jaquelyne answer me. Are you okay? Jaquelyne Bordeaux!” 


When the girl in front of police Lieutenant Berd did not respond, he started to get a little worried. Just as he leaned over to check if she was breathing, the ambulance arrived. The girl was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.




Four Days Later…




I woke up to find, once again, myself sitting in a hospital. I heard a noise coming from my right side. I had to turn my head in order to see who was beside me.  (Since my right eye is the one I can not see out of.) Surprisingly, it was Trey.


“Jaquie I’m so sorry. This was my fault. I’m really sorry about everything I’ve ever put you through. You deserve so much more than I can give you.”


I was completely worn out from the activities that had previously taken place. Breathing still hurt, for some odd reason.  I sighed and looked back at Trey. I smiled and said, “That’s okay, Trey. I forgive you. And I believe in second chances?” I grimaced.  Apparently, it hurt to talk, too.


“Oh Jacks!” Trey broke out into a smile and planted a kiss on my lips.


“But all the stuff Jaysson said-?”


“Well, you wouldn’t catch Jaysson lying, now would you?”




“Look. Everything Jaysson said was true. Everything, even about the reasons I asked you out in the first place. But when I asked you out I had no idea that I would fall in love.”


I looked up at Trey. He kissed me again.  He sure knew how to win a girl’s heart. Or rather, win back a girl’s heart.


“It’d probably be a good idea if you told them I woke up.”


Trey took a deep breathe, stood up, and said, “Alright I’ll be right back, okay?”


Less than thirty seconds later, the room was filled with people. The doctor, a nurse, Jake and the rest of my family, Trey, and Jaysson were all there.  About five minutes later, the nurse shooed everyone out besides Jake and Trey. (Trey insisted on it; he had not left my side except to tell everyone I woke up. And Jake did not leave because he was a doctor.) 


The doctor began to explain what was wrong with me this time. “Alright,” he said, “you broke all but two ribs, and two punctured your lung. That explains why it is hard for you to breathe.  It will always be a little harder, even though we did the best we could.  Your jaw is broken, explaining why it will hurt whenever you talk.  You hit your head and busted it open, but we’ve put in stitches and it will be fine. It will take you a very long time to regain your strength. You lost a lot of blood. Your friend here gave some of is up, he was the only one, out of all your friends and family, with your rare blood type.”


I looked over at Trey, who dodged my glance and ended up looking down. Then I looked at Jake and the doctor. “Wow. Is that all? You would think more would have happened after all that.” 


Jake and the doctor glanced at each other. Jake shook his head with a sad look on his face. Finally, the doctor told me the news. “You also hit your spinal cord…”




“And that affected the way it sends messages to your brain and it can’t-“


“Cut to the chase.” I interrupted, getting impatient.


“Well, it’s not too bad. The only thing that it affected is your legs: you won’t be able to walk again.” The doctor said slowly.


“What?! No! This can’t be happening!” I burst out into tears, and the doctor left the room.  Jake and Trey were left at my side. “I can’t handle this. I have a life! I’m about to graduate! What about all of those football scholarships?! I can’t turn those down! Why?! Why me?!”  Trey had a sad look in his eyes. But he just sat there next to me, holding my hand.  Jake left the room with a tear slipping from his eye. I have never seen a man cry before, and it tore my heart apart.



© 2008 Elizabeth Cole

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Added on February 14, 2008


Elizabeth Cole
Elizabeth Cole


hey! i totally luv Jesus and writing is my passion. or atleast one of them -lol-. most of my buds are writers also. (Jay Sslin, Kris B, Lauren) i am mostly best at modern day writing, and Kris B had t.. more..

You You

A Poem by Elizabeth Cole