Tags : path

True Meaning

True Meaning

A Poem by Brittany DeFranco

What I wish and think how life should be, how I used to feel trapped in darkness and I've been brought out into the light
Life is but the journey - the circle that never completes

Life is but the journey - the circle that never co..

A Story by Rachel McN

A musing on The Path of Life


A Poem by YourXArtist

Sometimes I walk the streets at night and hope to see you clear as light You walk down one end and i'll walk the other there our hearts wo..


A Poem by Prateeksha Khot

A kid decides to miss school one day and.............
Which one?

Which one?

A Poem by Ryan Falzon - Tymon

A poem about the difficult decisions in life, mostly me practicing my rhyming.
Once More

Once More

A Poem by Johnny A. Rojas

Falling in love again with a past love after 20 year separation and many states between us.
The Vanishing Path

The Vanishing Path

A Story by LittleOddBall

Three Trick-or-Treaters stumble upon a mysterious path into a dark patch of woods.
Ode to Happiness

Ode to Happiness

A Poem by Zoe Jay

I became happy when I finally stopped defining happiness.I found happiness only when I stepped away from Happy Road,The road where sunshine blinds you..


A Poem by A Flickeroflight

I was in Portland, and this was just scribbled down while I sat on a bench in a park.

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