Tags : Salvation

The Devil's Repentance

The Devil's Repentance

A Story by D.S. Patton

Dameon and Drake--demons who serve Lucifer--are vying for the throne seated at his right hand. Who will be successful?
Original Sin

Original Sin

A Poem by daninstockholm

He ran from the Cross that chased him,Afraid of the impending combinationWhen the wooden slabs mix with the living skinBurning its way into its own et..
When the Reaper Comes

When the Reaper Comes

A Poem by Trevor Bergshoeff

A poem written for my step father before he died.
Killing Giants

Killing Giants

A Chapter by Armanis

The death of Legion and Glutua


A Story by kenwillp

the greatest promise ever
Sharks and Minnows

Sharks and Minnows

A Poem by S. K. Burke

Innocence lost is playing sharks and minnows When you stop to breathe, look around, and suddenly all the minn..
Fall To Grace

Fall To Grace

A Poem by JKRyder

Depression is a disease. It feels different for everyone, but this is where I go when it happens to me. Writing can help me release these feelings ..


A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

Face Everything And Rise


A Story by Aurafiex

A hero awakens. But what then?