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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Tags : Sarcasm

Airline Adventures - A Memoir

Airline Adventures - A Memoir

A Story by moonlit_cove

A humorous (and cynical) recounting of the crazy antics that took place once upon a time when I had to travel a lot for my job.
Attack of the Giant Mary

Attack of the Giant Mary

A Story by Brian Lageose

An innocent lark takes an unexpected turn...
Cheery Cheery

Cheery Cheery

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

you'll see.
My Yelp Reviews

My Yelp Reviews

A Story by Evan James Devereaux

I recently became a Yelper and I love it. Here are some very pretentious reviews I've written and I hope you find them as funny as I do.


A Stage Play by Queendom

A group of friends hanging out....
breakfast is served

breakfast is served

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

serving it up


A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

well, I made it through several days without one of these, another was bound to come along again.
Time of Her Life

Time of Her Life

A Book by Suga Kookie

Caroline isn't your cliche shy girl. She's a b***h. She's a proud, sexy, intelligent, and naive b***h, stumbling through her seventeenth year of being..
Thank You

Thank You

A Poem by Waverlyn

This one is personal...
A Conversation

A Conversation

A Story by Marina

Two o f my heroes talking with each other about life.
Auditory Failure

Auditory Failure

A Poem by Marina

just experimenting, free style, free flow, free everything
i hate myself and want to die (by nirvana)

i hate myself and want to die (by nirvana)

A Poem by dramamine

random thoughts. unedited.
Best Birthday Ever

Best Birthday Ever

A Poem by Marina

Friday night fun mood: What would be the last thing you would wanna do if you the world was ending?
Jesus and his wine

Jesus and his wine

A Poem by Marina

Sadly, not a true story. Also, in case someone is offended know that it's not my problem. I am just having fun!
Happily Ever Never

Happily Ever Never

A Poem by Marina

An educative collaboration with the writing giant Paul Bell. Fun times.
An -ist meeting.

An -ist meeting.

A Poem by Marina

What pessimists, optimists, realists and the rest of ists do in their monthly meetups. 'Cause they totally happen.
The Cult

The Cult

A Story by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Dark Comedy